The room was nearly pitch dark, apart from the white blue glow of a holo pad illuminating Henry and his bed. Noxious notes flood the air, each one feeling how you'd imagine a life ending would sound, were it music. Henry was finishing up his little project, apparently soothed by the cacophony. He hadn't been taking his combat training seriously at all, much to the disappointment of the other crew members. Instead, he'd been spending every minute of every hour he had gathering all the relevant info on Quinlan Kifear that there is to be known. Amazing how much info can be gathered with only a master hacker, 12 hijacked government bots, 7 sifter bots, and only about 168 hours straight of work. He picks up his holo pad and his pistol, and staggers down towards the shuttle bay. He truly is a sorry sight, skin and bone from a lack of food. His skin a pale contrast to his sunken eyes, which are encircled in bags. The whites of his eyes are a consistent blood red, with no trace of moisture whatsoever. [color=e0c070][i]Ugh... these humans really do have feeble bodies. How do they cope with anything?[/i][/color] Just then, he sees Benny jogging towards the bay. Before he disappears around the corner, Henry calls out to him. [color=e0c070]"Benny! You're looking well. Seems like you took your training seriously. Nice suit."[/color].