So, I don’t have a cool introductory pitch-paragraph at the moment, I’m mainly looking to gauge interest before I devote myself to creating an entire fantasy world (and ideally I’d like to get some input from the players regarding the setting anyway) but I’m gonna set the scene a little: In a derelict set of ruins that used to be a town, a family of 5 huddle silently, praying that they are not found. The father’s elven ears are more sensitive than his human wife’s or their half-elf children, all of whom are staring at him with looks of fear and hope. He hears one of the raiders, a Human, order 3 of his men to check the bank, and sends their biggest man, an Orc by the name of “Gut-Chewer”, to check the pharmacy. The father cannot hide his panic, in seconds the Orc will find him and his children, and without weapons they don’t stand a chance. So he does what he knew he would always need to do, hands his wife his wand and kisses her goodbye, before surrendering himself. His head decorated the hood of Gut-Chewer’s car the next morning, but the lynching is long enough for his family to flee. Elsewhere, a Dragonborn rides a motorcycle down a dusty desert road, sawn-off shotgun strapped to his back and an egg in the sidecar. To his knowledge he’s the last of his kind, and his life’s mission has become the protection of this rare egg. He senses something wrong, and slows the bike to a stop. The Egg is cold, despite his best efforts the chill of the desert at night cannot be dismissed by a few blankets. He stops for the night and sets a campfire, knowing the risk of attracting raiders all too well, but life has become a constant state of risks for him, The Last Dragonborn. In the distance we see an old fortress, a castle still standing after all this time. Inside, a vibrant community of Gnomes sleeps soundly, knowing their clockwork traps and automata will keep them safe from outsiders. Children are soothed by the sounds of grinding gears and the occasional explosion as a mine is tripped outside, yet despite all of their traps and robotic patrols, we see one lone figure, a woman with grey skin and ram’s horns, silently scales the castle walls. She knows these gnomes have an abundance of resources stockpiled, enough to feed her and her companions for months, but she isn’t there to steal all that they have. Instead she creeps silently to the storeroom, disarms the traps on the door and disables the automaton guard with a swift dagger to his power supply. In 30 seconds the backup power supply will engage and the guard will reawaken, so she throws handfuls of packaged meats and a few canned vegetables into a backpack and flees. The gnomes won’t notice the missing supplies for weeks, but this rogue and her friends will be well-fed in the meantime. A goblin woman sits on a rooftop with a scimitar, a pistol and 3 bullets left. Down below, a horde of insane mutants pound against the front door, desperate to get inside and consume anyone within. Her 3 companions have already wasted half her ammo on blowing their own brains out, so the choice is left to her. Kill herself or wait for a miracle. Then a thought hits her brain, and she chucks her former companions' corpses over the edge of the building. The mutants immediately jump to devour them, but she isn’t going to waste her only opportunity by grieving. She sticks the revolver in its holster and then pulls up her hood, leaping into the fray of mutants squabbling for a snack. She lands on top of one and leaps to the next, using her small size to nimbly avoid falling into their grasp. By the time she reaches the end, many have started to chase her, but she’s nothing if not quick. The basic idea for this rp is that it takes place in a fantasy world where all of human history took place up to and including the creation of the atomic bomb (though with a lot more magic thrown in, so it’s like an 80% atomic and 20% Arcane bomb) and then we nuked ourselves to hell and back. Now the survivors of an irradiated world of magic and monsters have to struggle to survive with limited resources and under the constant fear of raiders and mutants. We'll each play a survivor in a little community (typical Walking Dead style group of survivors who each have their own drama going on as well as constantly fighting for their lives), we wander the wastelands in search of supplies, battle monsters and men alike, cast spells and blast shotguns at fools, all that good stuff.