Aster Roman sat in his quarters aboard the Excalibur, he had a place to stay here on the Advent colony but he preferred to stay here with his ship and as close to the Wing Zero as he could manage. He was taking extra care to listen to all the radio chatter surrounding the event preparations and nothing really seemed to be happening. He was curious why. These were all prime targets and if Fukushu Zeon could take them out then there would be no real way for the federation to fight back. Sure they had enough firepower but when it came to mobile suits the GM series may not be enough to keep up with all of the Zeon Mobile Suits. Chuckling to himself he stood and left his quarters bringing with him a small datapad to look things over with. Finding himself in the Hangar of the Excalibur he looked out to see the whole Excalibur squadron including his very own Wing Zero. That's when alarms blared and a younger voice came over the radio. "Umm... Hello!!" the voice said sounding nervous, "Umm... Mayday, mayday, we have a..." He continued getting anxious it seemed now nearly frantic, "2-003 (Hijacking) at The airshow. Ummm... We need a... Crash-cart, at least 1... Fuck it, look, my name is Gregory St James, some psycho bitch just shot my friend. You got to send help. NOW!" He called out. "Alright Excalibur Squad mount up and make sure we get some medics to the show." he began running for his normal suit and throwing it on. "Let's go, men, I wanna see those mobile suits fired up in no more than three minutes!" he shouted leaping into the cockpit of the Wing Zero and watching the door close behind him and the UI come to life. Soon the all too familiar tug at his mind began and he let the system in. Soon he was shown a wave of possibilities and had to make his mind focus down on one that would lead him to victory and the wave stopped. Moving to the launcher he set the Suits feet on the platform and waited for launch. "Commander Roman you are cleared for launch." a woman's voice said through his comms. "Thank you, Miss Iori. Commander Aster Roman, Wing Zero Gundam, Launch!" He said in reply using the thrusters of the suit to launch the suit out into the air around the Excalibur.