The situation escalated faster than Janius could have anticipated. When Kaleeth was pushed against the hut, Janius reacted in turn. He grasped Deerz by the chest, stepped across the back of his leg, and threw the hunter back-first into the dirt. It was nothing Kaleeth could not have done herself but Janius was not going to let them be bullied. [i]"You step too far!"[/i] Janius pointed at him. [i]"Call us names all you like. Do not lay your claws on us unless you want them pried from your fingers."[/i] Janius had a small hope that speaking a moderately complex phrase in Jel would help make them think twice. [hr] Rhazii held his breath and looked into the trees. Ahnasha had not convinced his gut feelings, as evidenced by the tension in his expression, but he relented. "Okay," he sighed. "Fine, I'll do it."