[color=00aeef][center][h1]Chres Sansus[/h1][/center][/color] Interaction with [@Jerkchicken], [@Fetzen], [@13Org], [@HokumPocus], [@elevation] [hr] [color=00aeef]"So, are you... are you an Illusion... the real thing... or... or did I... did I just hit my head way too hard?"[/color] Chres asked while focusing on the crystal jade candle which had caught his eye. A ray of white light appeared to be coming from the glittering candle, pooling onto the roof's surface in front of the candle. The light was different from dulled daylight emitted by the Distortion's strange green sun. It seemed to enhance it... or cut through it. Yes, perhaps that was a better way to describe it. Chres slowly picked up the candle. It had been right under the spot where he had awoken. Was that what he had felt poking his ribs? Chres rotated the candle in his hand, the light rotating with it. There was a small crack in the candle. It was from that crack, the light poured out of. It's brilliance shining into his eyes. Blinding him. An itch crawled up the back of Chres's neck as he shut his eyes reflexively and covered the crack with his hand. Chres opened his eyes seconds after. His vision spotty. The pounding in his head intensified. Chres rubbed his eyes with his free arm and blinked wildly. His vision gradually returned. Just in time to make out several other cult members heading their way. The words he heard after regaining consciousness echoed in his head. The reinforcements were coming and they didn't look very pleased. There was no running from that mob, at least not like this. What was it that Gin had said? Light would protect and shield them from the cult's gaze? Chres tightened his grip on the crystal jade candle. Old stories heard over a night of drinks popped into his head. Stories of long time Crystal Jade miners going blind. Tales of flashes of light being unleashed after every fall of the pick. A flash so bright, that it could even be seen when covering one's eyes. It was for that reason crystal jade miners had taken to wearing darkened spectacles. A protection used to avoid an early retirement. Chres raised the crystal jade candle into the air and slammed it down onto the roof's surface. The crystal hit the ground solidly, and... nothing happened. Rather than breaking dramatically, the force of the impact caused the candle to bounce out of Chres's grip and away from his reach, rolling to a stop dangerously close to the edge of the roof. [color=00aeef]"No!"[/color] Chres cried out in alarm. Instinctively he tried to rise to his feet, only to gasp in pain and collapse back to the ground. [color=00aeef]"The... The Candle!"[/color] he shouted as best as he could. [color=00aeef]"Someone get the Candle! We... we need to... we need to smash it..."[/color] Perhaps shouting this was not the best idea, as the first person to respond was the cult member who had tackled the healer to the ground. Seeing his colleagues already preoccupied, he immediately released his grip on the healer and dashed towards the candle. Chres summoned the last of the body heat stored in his shirt. He compressed it into a single condensed Heat Construct. Chres lifted himself off the ground with his left hand and painfully threw the Compressed construct at cult member with his right hand. It was wonderful throw. too bad the aim was lousy. Instead of hitting the Cult member as Chres had intended, the Construct ended up hitting the roof top in front of the cult member. The impact, released a powerful burst of energy. Fortunately the blast had been close enough to knock the man backwards and onto the ground. The man landed on his back and groaned. Slowly he rolled onto his stomach and began to lift himself off the ground...