Penelope walked quietly back to her camp, unable to stop from wondering how Crow's conversation with Rikki went. The knight let out a long exhale and looked up at the sky as she walked. There was no sense in worrying about it now, especially since it would be a week before she met Crow again and was able to find out if everything went ok. She hoped the best for both of them and then focused back ahead as her camp eventually came into view. The knight slowed her pace for a moment, eying the guard's current positions before slipping around them towards her tent. She stepped carefully and managed to get by them without any trouble. Penelope headed into her tent and soon settled down for the night. While meeting with Crow again was another week away, the next battle was only two days away and that meant she'd have to be prepared. --- The next day came and the knights were already beginning to prepare for their departure for Whitebridge. Though it was another day away, the barons were still intent on pushing for Grimsby after the first battle and that meant the knights would need to have supplies nearby in order to be ready. Mia had spoken with Bran about borrowing a couple horses from the cavalry and hooking them up to wagons that would follow the troops at a distance. A small group had been assigned to help with loading the wagons and keeping stock of the supplies they would be taking. Penelope was quick to offer her assistance, wanting to keep busy as she felt a bit anxious about the coming days. She carried a bag of food and set it down in the wagon. Rolling her shoulders, she stepped down and looked over as she noticed Jane carrying over a small box of medical supplies. "They even have you getting prepared too, huh?" She asked as the physician passed by. "Of course," Jane said as she set the box down at the wagon's edge. She turned over to Penelope. "I have to be prepared for two battles after all... and my workstation is going to be the back of this wagon." "You're coming?" Jane nodded. "Someone has to look after you knights." "I just hope someone looks after the wagon." growled Layth as he walked up carrying two bags. "Those damn thieves are still out there." "Is that your way of volunteering for guard duty, Layth?" Gavin asked with a raised eyebrow as he stepped over to the group. "I'm sure the barons would be fine with it if you just ask nicely." Penelope smirked a little at Gavin's words. Though she was amused, she was a bit hopeful Layth would settle for guarding the wagon. It would likely keep him and Crow far from each other and that was something the female knight was hoping for. That is, unless the thieves decided to try and steal the supplies. Layth glared at Gavin. "Perhaps I will considering neither you nor my sister are capable enough." He remarked, shooting an accusing glance at Penelope. The female knight rolled her eyes at her brother. Jane crossed her arms as she looked at the knights. "Come on you three. We still have quite a bit to pack so enough squabbling, get to work." She said shooing them off. Layth shot her an annoyed look before pushed past the physician to put down the bags he carried into the wagon. Penelope turned and headed off to collect more supplies and Gavin trailed after her.