[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PVzDjEH.png[/img] [h2][color=goldenrod]Flavia Astra[/color][/h2][/center] [color=BCB792]"Hiding away in the library again are we?"[/color] Flavia visibly started as a voice broke her out of her concentration. Her head swung up to see a beautiful woman addressing her. No wait. That was Lorn. Despite having been told she was actually a he, Flavia had trouble believing it. [color=goldenrod]"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't uh notice you."[/color] She said quickly. Her mind immediately recalled what she knew about the Trap. A rank mage, famous for his looks and beauty. Modeled on the side. Likes nature and...yeah that summed it up. He used Heart Magic, notable for being able to let the caster feel and even influence another's emotions. Magical Empathy. Flavia immediately distrusted a person who could do something like that. Her emotions were her's and her's alone. She didn't want any one tinkering with them. She resolved to watch herself and question herself to sure she wasn't being influenced in some way. And if she was? So what? She wouldn't she couldn't do anything about it. He seemed to accept the apology with his usual grace as he sat down and continued talking. [quote] [color=BCB792]"You know..."[/color], he began calmly, picking up one of the spellbooks Flavia had been studying and flipping through the pages, [color=BCB792]"I don't have to use my magic to tell that you're nervous."[/color] He looked up at her and beamed, [color=BCB792]"And hungry"[/color] he chimed playfully, noticing her tummy grumble. [color=BCB792]"I understand though. It can be a little scary down there. Especially with all the loud noises they make when they get a little rowdy."[/color] He chuckled to himself. The thought of their antics downstairs always amused him so. [color=BCB792]"But...you'll get used to it. There's nothing to be afraid of. Everyone in this guild is family, whether they realize it or not."[/color] he said, winking at her in a light-hearted manner, hoping to quelm some of her wariness. [/quote] His patronizing tone and mannerisms set her nerves on edge. [color=goldenrod]"I know that."[/color] She snapped, eyes blazing. Then the next moment she lowered her head and shrank inward on herself. [color=goldenrod]"I-I'm sorry."[/color] She half whimpered in apology. So much for watching her emotions. She was feeling too comfortable here, surrounded by the familiar smell and sight of books. She had forgotten herself. [color=goldenrod]"Its just...they are hurting each other over nothing with no point to it. It...doesn't make sense. No one benefits, they just inflict pain."[/color] She continued. Memories of a heavy hand crossed her mind, and old, healed, bruises started to ache. Then the moment was gone. The memories forcefully repressed. She appeared to come out of her shell a little. [color=goldenrod]"Sorry. You were just trying to help."[/color] She noticed the title of the book Lorn was flipping through. [color=goldenrod]"Um. That book you are holding...I, uh, need it. Sorry."[/color] She smiled a wane smile at the feminine boy as she extended a hesitant hand. In the background, she noted shouts and voices. The air also dropped a few degrees. Ice magic. Had to be. At a guess, she'd say it was Muko's doing. Slayer magic always felt different from normal magics and she thought what she could feel carried it's taint. She really hoped they didn't bring the guildhall down on everyone. Not that it would be the first time. [@Aeolian]