[hider=Contestent #17][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181115/268ff88be2f9aed81211717d05f90391.png[/img] [hr][img]http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2011/0627/pg2_e_blanchard01_576.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]What is your name?[/b][/color] [indent]Melissa. Melissa Rosalynn Brior to be precise.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]How old are you?[/b][/color] [indent]Don't you know that is not a question to ask a woman. I may look twenty but I'm thirty-three.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]Looking for a showmance?[/b][/color] [indent]As you can see I am a woman. I don't need a man but that's what I prefer. I don't want a romance but I am not averse to [i]persuading[/i] some boys and girls.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]Where are you from?[/b][/color] [indent]I was born and raised in the beautiful City of Angels. But I currently live in Miami.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]Do you have a job?[/b][/color] [indent]I do some modeling, but I am not just beautiful. I am a Clinical Psychologist.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]What has your life been like so far?[/b][/color] [indent]Oh, it has been wonderful. Well, except for my doctorate. That was a challenge. My father was a well-renowned Psychologist. You may have seen him on TV before. Mother was an architect. I am an only child so I don't know the 'joy' of having a sibling. School was easy. I made straight A's except for 11th grade. A LOT of parties happened that year. I've had boyfriends here or there. Nothing serious. Got real drunk one night and slept with a girl. She was way too clingy though. Dropped her like a bad habit. After high school, I decided to skip college initially and pursue a modeling career. It was simple enough but I got tired of people underestimating me. So, I sought a degree. Went for something I knew which was psychology. My father always would tell me about his work. Took a break from modeling until I got my degree. I loved it so much I decided to keep going until I received my doctorate. But I am definitely not telling any of my housemates about this.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]Any quirks, talents, or weird facts about you?[/b][/color] [indent]I have been told by many people that a talk in my sleep. I don't know what kinds of things I say so hopefully it won't be anything bad. I am athletic. In high school, I was a cheerleader and I very much enjoy surfing. I say I have the voice of an angel but some people have told me the opposite. But for the whole time I'm at the house I plan on winning so I will have a lot of secrets that they won't be privy to. Big Brother isn't about making friends. It's about winning a million.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]Why do you deserve to win?[/b][/color] [indent]Just look at me. I am talented, cunning, and beautiful. This game isn't made for the weak-willed. It takes someone ruthless to win.[/indent] [color=Blanchedalmond][b]And if you do win, what will you do with the million dollars?[/b][/color] [indent]I honestly don't know. Maybe I'll donate some to charity so I don't look completely evil. All joking aside I'm not evil. I'm joining BB just for the fun of it so I don't know what I'd do with the money.[/indent][/hider]