[color=7ea7d8]"We could show you a quick demonstration, couldn't we Maldur?"[/color] Said beast growled and ruffled his head before standing. Kazudain chuckled before looking back to the princess. [color=7ea7d8]"Speaking of, Maldur is a great tigris glacius of the frozen wastes in the northern continent far from this continent where the Kingdom of Razelia resides in. As a whole the breed thrives in the cold weather, with blizzards that would snap freeze your blood in moments without protective gear and blessings. They are so attuned to those lands of ice that many of their kind can use ice magic. Maldur here is quite adept at it-"[/color] He couldn't continue as the his mouth was blocked by thick ice. Much of his body was in fact. The princess and the onlooker would find Kazudain suddenly encased in a large block of ice, from his feet to his mouth. Eyes aglow, Maldur had an air of amused pride as it licked its paw. When the glow disappeared so too did Kazudain's ice prison. Said man had an air of agitated annoyance about him though no true animosity. [color=7ea7d8]"Yes well, he has other abilities than simply encasing his master within ice on whim for petty amusement."[/color] It might of been a trick of the light but the princess might have sen the cat-beast roll its eyes at the man. Said beast strolled to the princess, rubbing its head against her side as a ploy for more petting's. Shaking his head Kazudain continued. [color=7ea7d8]"Despite his quirks he has been ever loyal and helpful, saved my skin plenty of times in the past."[/color] He chuckled as said tiger turned to give him a chuff and mewl before going back to the princess. The man held out a hand which became wreathed in lightning instantly, the sound of crackling arcs filing the air. [color=7ea7d8]"I too am a Lightning user but of the raw element rather than an elemental mixture. I do not know if the properties of the Light helps in controlling the chaotic edge of Lightning but know your level of control is to be commendable in the eyes of a Lightning Arch-mage."[/color] He offered a small smile with polite warmth. He turned to his wreathed arm. [color=7ea7d8]"It takes great control to bring Lightning to heel for when unleashed it can cause awesome destructive calamity at any scale. No doubt one of your parents have shown you examples of such."[/color] With a flex of his hand the lightning condensed into a ball of mana not unlike what Lisia had done earlier. But rather than shoot it into the air the ball elongated, lengthening and becoming languid. One end widened while the other tapered to a point, the new shape moving about the man. The newly formed snake turned its head a bit before slithering through the air until reaching the princess. It flicked a fork tongue before going around her head, soon coming back to a ball in front of the girl. It zapped to the man's outstretched hand, shuddering as more lightning was fed to it. It brightened considerably, turning slightly blue as the air itself became charged where even the female bird-kin would feel the change in the air. Thrusting his hand to the air, the ball cannoned into the air with a loud boom that ruffled all loose handing clothing of the three people present. [color=7ea7d8]"When you have the control your only limit is your own mind and intent. With that, lightning can be just as malleable as water."[/color]