[hider= Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/w6gjNnv.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: T.S.I.U [hider=]Technology Systems Integration Unit[/hider] "Sue" Age: 10 Years (Appearance is a petite woman of around 20 years of age) Gender: Female Allegiance: Rebellion Classification: Project Abilities: [indent]Technology Manipulation (Cyberkinesis): Sue can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices. Allows physical interaction with machines, or psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data. Reactive Adaptation: May develop certain abilities or adapt after or during a variety of situations. The limitation of this power is that Sue will keep her adaptation until it is no longer necessary or she is no longer exposed to that catalyst (i.e. Drowning? Aquatic respiration! Safe on land and not drowning anymore? loses aquatic respiration. :( ). This power is kinda hard to explain, click [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Reactive_Adaptation]here![/url] for a clearer definition. [/indent] [hider= My Conclusion]This is just theorizing the extent of this power. Move on if you don't care. Sue can have these "micro evolutions" but only a certain amount can develop in one time frame without putting strain on the body, or one major adaptation happening too fast may cause irreversible damage or effects. I would estimate a good 5 minute to 1 hour interval between changes, depending on the extremities. And in some cases, she is constantly exposing herself to a catalyst or situation so that a certain "Micro evolution" won't disappear or something along those lines.[/hider] Project Biography: [indent] Brought to the Project facilities at the age of 5, Sue was primarily used as a lab rat to test certain drugs and chemicals that would be approved to use on actual Projects. Sue was recorded to have a very strong constitution, as all test dummies must, but despite her age, her physical and mental states were strong enough for her to tolerate more out of any of the other prototype Projects. Her greatest contribution was an age accelerator serum, for a scenario of when a child's body would not suffice for further experimentations. The prototype version was injected into her body countless times, causing extreme abnormal growths, irregular symptoms of aging (Puberty, menopause, etc.), tumors, and extra appendages; this lead to her loosing both legs and her right arm after suffering irreparable damage. She was close to being terminated, but saved for a different type of testing, considering she was a kind of favorite lab rat amongst the engineers. Because of her damaged state, she was tested to be a sort of engineer that would care for machines and other Projects in the front lines. Sue displayed a remarkable affinity with the technology around her and a freakishly hyper adaptability to common situations that would occur in the field. The team of engineers working with her saw great potential, and enhanced her abilities, augmenting her with micro organic machinery and other wares; hoping to make her a fully realized project. Just as the engineers were ready to have their prized Project move up from the prototype phase, and be presented for approval, Sue sabotaged her own project. She had hacked into the mainframe of the facility, deleting any and all traces of her existence, using the building's weaponized defense system to kill the engineers who worked with her, and so on. Once she was done and through with escaping as far as she could, Sue turned to the only ones that fought against the iron fist of the System. [/indent] [u]Extras![/u] [indent] She has a wonderful mech she built herself, from scrap metal and spare parts; Sue likes to call it Chamberlain. She sleeps in a sensory deprivation tank; Also uses it when she uses her cyberkinesis for extended amounts of time. Sue's prosthetic legs do not share her adaptive abilities, but she can shape them with ease. Her favorite foods are sweet tea and sandwiches."[/indent] --- I will add onto this soon, but take what I have and I shall await your judgement~! :3