[color=00a99d]"Sooo-"[/color] Aya began drawling out as she leaned over and began inspecting the toy which was safely tucked away behind a protective barrier of cheap plastic to provide a view of it and cardboard which was plastered with corporate logo and facts. Its bright coloration attracted Aya to it like a moth to a flame, and in a more literal sense it really encouraged her to poke at the edge of the box. [color=00a99d]"Howzabout 3000 yen?"[/color] The girl kept her attention between the cardboard box which she continued to poke and lazily glancing up to the dealer behind the stall; a middle-aged man who looked overly dressed compared to other stall vendors. Staring down at Aya with a grimace as he was utilizing his left thumb and index finger to scrunch at his eyebrows. While Aya was reaching out for another poke at the box, the stall-keep swiftly swiped the cardboard box away from her. "Let me explain this clearly to you; this is not up for negotiation. This is 7420 Yen -" [color=00a99d]"Bit steep for a toy innit?"[/color] Aya inquired as she tilted her head to the side as the man puckered his lips clearly perturbed at the notion. As he placed the boxed figurine against the back-wall display so this [i]freeloader[/i] could not mess up the in box nature of it, the man placed his palms together and breathed in. He had to be courteous, professional, and not blow a gasket. "Miss, this is not just 'a toy', this is a Figma. They are a superior breed, look at the sculpting and paint job. It is a highly articulate toy with replaceable parts, a figure which all collectors would die for." Aya kept her tilted for a moment as she began scratching her head, [color=00a99d]"Oh so it's like, wazzit-"[/color] Aya slowly began snapping her fingers, [color=00a99d]"The Henshin Cyborg. S'fun toy, dunno if they were that expensive though..."[/color] Aya tilted her head back upright and began rolling her shoulders around. [color=00a99d]"'Kay so mmm I'm bored of your stuff so I'mma go check other stuff, if you reconsider haggling I might be back..."[/color] With a soft raise of her arm she gave the vendor a goodbye, of sorts anyway it probably counted, as she began strolling down the aisles to engage in further window-shopping eying for better bargains.