The time limit was two months for each of us. My time limit starts when Odium's ends. His time limit ended on the 26th of September. Math says two months from that is November 26th, and right now it is November [i]15[/i]. When you agreed to my earlier post resetting the post timer, that meant you also agreed to Odium's presence within this thread influencing the timer for future posts. This is not a technicality you get to enforce when it is convenient for you. Not to mention you tried to kill my character with your closed-post, when we agreed to two closed-posts that were not to be fatal, followed by a final third post that was meant to be fatal. For your failure to adhere to your own rules, for your failure to uphold or show even the slightest shred of respect for your own dignity, I have ended the thread on my grounds. I will decide at a later date if Odium lives or dies, but I'll probably allow him to live given that he hasn't broken any rules. As it stands right now, the Cataclysmic Ending has reached its end. In the future, TRY not to pull a stunt like this again, or I will punish you just as severely. tl;dr You're fucking dead.