[h2][center][color=crimson]♥[/color][color=black]♠[/color][color=crimson]♦[/color][color=black]♣[/color] [color=darkmagenta]Ayumu Harasawa[/color] [color=crimson]♥[/color][color=black]♠[/color][color=crimson]♦[/color][color=black]♣[/color] [color=darkmagenta]Phantasmagoria[/color] [color=crimson]♥[/color][color=black]♠[/color][color=crimson]♦[/color][color=black]♣[/color][/center][/h2] [@I Need A Name] [@KoL] [center][i]- Earlier that day -[/i][/center] [color=darkmagenta]"Aaaand just like that..."[/color] Ayumu fanned out torn card pieces with one hand, raised the other and clicked her fingers. As she unfolded a whole card, several pairs of eyes widened. [color=darkmagenta]"Good as new!"[/color] If any other magical girls, light or dark, spotted her, they would likely find it odd that somebody who drew strength from suffering liked to spread joy. Well, it was only natural for someone as unapologetically self-serving as a dark girl to revel in being the centre of attention. Ayumu worked through her carefully calculated repertoire, such motives hidden along with her cards and coins - and yet, she couldn't help but find something heartwarming about the enthralled face of a little girl. "How do you do all that?" the child piped up. "Tell me! When I grow up, I wanna be magical like you!" Ayumu suppressed a wince. All she'd done were classic tricks anyone could do with enough practice, but if only this kid knew of her true nature. [color=darkmagenta]"Hehe, sorry but we magicians have gotta keep our secrets,"[/color] she replied. [color=darkmagenta]"And don't you be in too much of a hurry to grow up."[/color] The temperature started to drop, not just from the winter weather. [color=darkmagenta]"Well, I'm afraid I'll have to do a disappearing act of my own, but thank you all!"[/color] Ayumu announced with a bow, gathering up coins from the box at her feet as the crowd dispersed. Not that she needed the money, pockets being so easy to pick, but a little extra was always appreciated. She slunk from the street corner into an alleyway, slipping the real torn card into a trash can as she did so. [i]If only broken things could be so easily fixed,[/i] she thought as she let a black and crimson aura flow over her. [center]...[/center] [color=darkmagenta]"Wow, someone sure got out of bed on the wrong side,"[/color] Phantasmagoria commented, flicking cards at any Nightmares that got in her way as she skipped after Kiru. [color=darkmagenta]"I know, I know, it sucks that someone thinks they can lord it over us, but easy there. We've gotta know what we're doing."[/color] Although she meant to calm Kiru, her words came out strained. She hadn't been quite herself lately, and even the abundance of prey could only help so much. In fact, as the remnants of Nightmares seethed into her to bolster her power, the shudder they brought wasn't purely thrill. It was like eating something with a bitter aftertaste. That face... She couldn't drive it from her mind, the image on the screen three days ago, the look of utter horror and disbelief. Ayumu knew next to nothing about this girl, but one thing was obvious. The former Detention Club president must have been close to the victim. Eyes prickling with the threat of tears, Ayumu tried to focus on the here and now, but the visual message lingered. Had her own face looked like that, back then? And now here she was, making others' grief into her gain... Of course, she told herself, flinging another card, decapitating a Nightmare, drawing out its essence. What else was there to do? No point in living in a fantasy world. No point in holding on to such useless feelings as hope and compassion. Better to live as she'd promised, and follow Kiru's example. Kiru... Veiling herself in a shadow illusion, Phantasmagoria sped up her pace. [color=darkmagenta]"Please,"[/color] she whispered, the target's presence growing stronger and setting her more on edge with every step. She'd never felt one like this before. [color=darkmagenta]"Remember, you've gotta think something through before you can pull it off! Who knows what tricks are up her sleeves?"[/color] No use. Before Phantasmagoria could stop her, Kiru had launched herself at top speed into the air, closing in on the girl looking down from the building. [color=darkmagenta]"Kiru, no!"[/color] Fuck stealth. Dissipating the illusion, Phantasmagoria threw her cape open, a jackalope silhouette springing forth and growing to the size of a small horse. [color=darkmagenta]"Let's go,"[/color] she commanded, leaping astride it. The shadow creature jumped onto a roof, pushing off it to reach a taller building, then another. She wouldn't fail to protect somebody close to her. Not a second time.