[center][h2] [color=darkblue] Maddison Jane Anderson [/color] [/h2] [img] https://art.ngfiles.com/images/528000/528386_drawingwitharthuz_kristina-pimenova-fanart.jpg?f1499476779 [/img] [sub] "I'm not a color because being a color is giving in. " [/sub][/center] Name: Maddison Jane Anderson Nicknames: Addie, mainly goes by Addie. Age: Ten Birthday: April 25th Color: Blue Strenghs: Has good aim with a gun, knows some important combat, fast on her feet Weaknesses: Fear, Trust issues, Stubborness, Knowledge Fears: Monsters, being caught and going to camp, people finding out what she did, Personality: She is very tough witted and kept to herself. She doesnt tell much about her past. She speaks fluently though avoids larger words due to scared to make a fool of herself. She acts tough, as if nothing could bother her since it was all she knew> She was always told she needed to protect herself because of others. Bio: She grew up in the city with her parents who taught her how to live. They never really treated her greatly but they taught her how to fight off the strangers that would assume she was one of them. One day she had come down with powers and her parents immediatly jumped to sending her away. Out of fear from what she heard she grabbed her gun and a bag full of stuff and ran. Her parents had tried to stop her so she shot them. She did it just in time and has been running away ever since then.