[color=darkorange]Mason[/color], [color=9ACD32]Allard[/color], [color=C86060]Nailah[/color] Screams pierced through the merriment of the bar. Allard was quick to jump from his chair, early knocking it over to get to the door and see what was happening. It was like something from a nightmare. Plant growth ran rampant, to a point where there were seemingly sentient plants attacking the citizens and tearing buildings asunder. it could only be the work of some magic, but from where? It didn't matter, they needed to help any of the citizens they could. While Ami may be able to heal wounds, he wasn't sure if she could heal a lethal strike from any of these creatures. They had to act fast. [color=9ACD32]"We are under attack! To arms!"[/color] Allard shouted to the others who were on their way to the door already. Allard drew his blades, raising the smaller one vertically in front of his face nearly touching his forehead as he bowed it in a short prayer for the battel ahead. He then looked over to Nailah, and slung his heavy blade up to rest on his right shoulder, his daughter's blade in his left hand at the ready. [color=9ACD32]"Stay close ta me, I will keep ya safe."[/color] he told her. He didn't know if it was the best option, but with what he saw around him, there wasn't much for a safe place to hide either. He looked back out to the chaos around him and prepared to move forward. There was a dark look in his eyes, they would not do this to him or his town again. Whoever this way, Allard would make them surely regret picking this fight. Just as Nailah said that though, she was surprised to see Dremmick, jumping on a rooftop near to the giant plant the masked man was in. His actions were almost too much of a coincidence to be true. Despite what Nailah had said about having a bad feeling, he did exactly the opposite, punching forward and releasing a blast of energy on the plant, trying to knock it down... Was he doing that on purpose or it was simply in his nature to be so inconvenient? Charging towards an unknown enemy by himself without even knowing what it's capable of is a good way to get himself killed... Not that Nailah would care that much about that though... The amount of plants growing made their advance difficult, the group had to be quick to cut open a path due to the trees growing back. Even though Nailah was helping by cutting them with her claws, it wasn't nearly as effective as a sword. It was then that he saw Om letting out a dragon breath, freezing the plants in front of him. Wondering why she wasn't doing the same instead of tiring herself, she opened her mouth, breathing fire on the plants in front of them. [color=C86060]"So... For how much longer we'll need to cut down these plants?"[/color] she asked, obviously annoyed. [color=C86060]"All this sap is making me all sticky! I'll reeealy need a bath after this..."[/color] Nailah mumbled, continuing to breathe fire on the plants. [color=9ACD32]"Just until Ami's power wears off I suppose,"[/color] Allard guessed. [color=9ACD32]"This man may 'ave spread tha seeds, but its tha magic rich environment making them go wild."[/color] He looked down to Nailah. [color=9ACD32]"Here,"[/color] he said as he sheathed his lighter sword. He grabbed the lower handle, just below the hand guard of his heavy blade, and then pushed it into the upper handle. He then turned it a quarter turn and pulled out what looked to be a mere long dagger to him, but for Nailah it was a guardless short sword. While normally placed in the sword to stake into the ground as a statement for never surrendering and holding ones ground to the death, it was kept in fighting condition at all times as a last ditch weapon. [color=9ACD32]"It may mostly be ceremonial, but it makes for a fine blade in a pinch against those vines. And from the looks of it,"[/color] he added looking down the street, [color=9ACD32]"It seems our ally Mason has found 'imself a dragon tamer."[/color] He thought for a moment unsure where to go, he didn't care for fighting dragons, but he knew he was one of the few who could. He sighed heavily. [color=9ACD32]"I've had tha displeasure of fighting dragons,"[/color] he told Nailah, [color=9ACD32]"but never when one was constantly bein healed. This should be interestin."[/color] Allard looked over to his old friend, [color=9ACD32]"Galland, eyes up, they have a dragon, keep everyone safe! I'll keep'em busy!"[/color] He started making his way towards Mason and yelled back to Nailah, [color=9ACD32]"The guardians can handle things here, lets go."[/color] Allard continued to slice through plants like a hot knife through butter, never at any time using any sort of earth or wind manipulation like he had used to all those years ago. Allard's explanation make sense. Ami's power was definitely good, but the seeds, that was another thing, and those were certainly related to that masked guy standing above the plants. Whoever that masked man was, his intentions weren't good and he was using Ami's healing magic for his own advantage. It was then that Allard extended his hand to her, handing Nailah a short sword to aid her after seeing she was unarmed. Nailah knew how important his weapons were for him and not accepting the help he was giving her would be rude, but it was clear that she wasn't comfortable with a sword on her hand. [color=C86060]"Thanks for your concern, Allard."[/color] she said, with a kind smile, sheathing the sword on her belt. [color=C86060]"It surely will come in handy if something goes wrong."[/color] she completed. When Allard talked about Mason, she looked up, seeing a handsome young man flying nearby a big dragon and a strange woman with a scythe, presumably, Mason. [color=C86060]"A dragon tamer now...?"[/color] she moaned, with an annoyed expression. [color=C86060]"Is this just our luck or..."[/color] she continued, following Allard after he warned Galland about the dragon. Matching her pace with Allard so she wouldn't leave him behind she turned to him after looking at the dragon for a few moments. [color=C86060]"You've already fought dragons, right? I'm pretty sure my claws, talons or even my teeth can easily pierce it's scales, but I don't know if fire will have any use against him."[/color] Nailah commented as Allard's opened way through the plants with ease. [color=C86060]"Aiming for the woman would maybe be a better strategy... Regardless of what we choose to do, I'm sure I can deal a lot of damage. Even if the dragon is being constantly healed, it can still feel pain, right?"[/color] she asked, with searing hot claws and talons. [color=C86060]"If it's a wild dragon, it still has a possibility of him going berserk, even if with the scythe woman riding him... The question is, should we avoid that or try to cause it on purpose?"[/color] she asked, looking to Allard. [color=9ACD32]"I want ta avoid having tha dragon go berserk in town. Conventional weapons have no effect on a dragon's hide, and while you may be able to rips at its scales, their healing factor plus Ami's will leave us with little ta no effect. No, ta win this fight, we must prove ourselves ta be tha dragon's better, and prove we are stronger than its current tamer. I used ta be a dragon tamer as well, though I never kept any. When a dragon would become unruly around town I would subdue it through combat an' release it."[/color] He didn't want to mention the atrocities of the arenas, however, and went no to catch up to Mason. He came to a stop at his side, his heavy blade at his shoulder and his light blade at the ready in front of him, [color=9ACD32]"Mason, this is one of them I presume?"[/color] [color=darkorange]"Yes, it is."[/color] Mason calmly responded as he drew his blade took a low stance; his sword poised like a coiled snake that was ready to strike, [color=darkorange]"Alright Allard, I need you to buy time for me-- I can't risk using my powers until the civilians are clear.... I'm counting on you; you take on the dragon while I go for its master. Ready? Go!"[/color] he whispered to his towering ally. Slowly, the Aion knight began to circle the duo; never pointing the sword away from the woman, awaiting his moment to strike. The Taxis doors were open for those who wished to stay in town and remain safe. A transparent aura surrounding it being powered by Ami's light as well it's casters were constantly replenished. Lucius and his knights were able to command the plants to create a wall of vines to further the shielding of the Taxis HQ. Galland had little time to react to Allards words. He briefly looked back to see Nailah and Allard running towards a woman and her Dragon. "NO!" He shouted. But to no avail as Allard was now too far and the people's screams were too loud. Soon the crowd had escaped and the streets were clear save for a few civilians running for cover or fighting back. The scythe wielding woman and her Dragon seemed to grow agitated as the number of people grew before her. First a Seraphim knight, then two others. She looked at Mason with a puzzled brow. "Are you mad?" She chuckled. "You face a knight of the twilight. Now that things have cleared. I can proceed." She tapped the ground with her scythe and the shadows opened up. Black stone pillars began to rise around her. Allard put away his swords and cracked his knuckles. He then stretched his neck side until a pop was heard. As he limbered up, he slowly approached the dragon, his eyes locked with the beast's. Reciting an old verse of power he continued, [color=9ACD32]"I am invincible....my shadow skill is unmatched..."[/color] His arms and legs started to steam, raw energy starting to flicker to life, [color=9ACD32]"THE POWER OF MY BLOWS KNOW NO EQUAL!"[/color] With that, both of his arms and legs burst into light. [color=9ACD32]"COME FACE ME DRAGON!"[/color] He yelled taunting the dragon. [color=darkorange]"One might think so...."[/color] Mason responded with friendly smile, [color=darkorange]"Before I face you, I have one question-- Why are you committing such foul acts? Surely a knight of twilight is above such evil."[/color] "What have I done besides waste my time speaking with you. And also..." She watched her Dragon who was snapping in the air in anger at Allard who approached it. The black stone pillars were about 12 feet in length and had triangular ends on both sides. They floated midair and had many carvings on its sides. "Shadow earth." She whispered. The ground beneath Allard began to grow soft until it was like quicksand. Yet it was blackened in shadow. One of the pillars glowed in response. [color=darkorange]"Very well...."[/color] Mason huffed as he witnessed the woman make a move on Allard, [color=darkorange]"C'MON THEN!!!"[/color] he taunted in hopes to draw the woman's attention as he charged toward her, his sword igniting with black flame Allard was right. Even though they had Ami's magic to heal others, having a dragon go berserk was still a bad idea, lest they wanted tom completely destroy the entire town... Or what was left of it... Upon hearing Allard's words, she nodded, confident that he knew exactly what he was doing. He should have no problems in dealing with the dragon. [color=C86060]"I trust you then, it sounds like you already did this before. Ironically, the same points that make the dragon a troublesome opponent right now, also apply to me~ So if things get a bit difficult, I'm certain I can be as persistent as this dragon. Both on stamina and self healing."[/color] Nailah said with a mischievous smirk. If the dragon proved to be an opponent Allard couldn't deal with by himself, she could help him. She might not have the raw strength Allard had, but she is still much stronger than someone from her size should be. Other than that, she was half dragon so her stamina and self healing should be on par with the dragon, especially with Lynn's healing powers. It was then that she heard Allard reciting an old chant, invoking some type of magic to fortify his members while doing a pose that was worthy of a knight from those books for kids, making Nailah giggle at it. She would certainly tease him after the fight due to that. [color=C86060]"If you need my help then, simply call my name and I'll come in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, I'll try to help Mason a little bit and play with the new girl."[/color] she said, using Allard and the dragon to break line of sight with the scythe wielding woman before going towards mason and her, circling them and approaching the woman from behind. As the woman was distracted by Mason's questions and after whispering some strange incantation, Nailah approached her, gently caressing her cheek while whispering on her ear. [color=C86060]"Are you sure you can afford to ignore me?"[/color] Nailah whispered, before jumping back to avoid any possible attack the woman might send her way after being surprised. With that, Nailah had already start using her charm on the woman. Just a few more touches and she would start feeling the effects of Nailah's magic. Then it would be way easier to play with her senses. Allard Jumped up from the ground when he felt it start to give, his wings held him in the air when Nailah spoke to him, he nodded, [color=9ACD32]"same goes for you!"[/color] he said in refernce to calling for help. He looked back at the dragon, [color=9ACD32]"Time ta begin then."[/color] He soared up into the air and then started to dive down straight for the dragon. The woman looked surprised and turned when Nailah touched her. But she had to resume her guard for Mason was fast approaching. "Damn you!" She cried. The ground beneath Mason began to grow soft as he charged. Buying her time to cast another spell. An encircling of chains began to whirl around Allard. Summoned from the shadows below they aimed to ensnare him and pull him back. Whilst the Dragon unleashed a stream of blue flames, accursed chaotic fire that tore the plants asunder and aimed to do the same for Allard. That woman was going to be a pain if she was working against him too. Luckily for Allard, in a fight he was a quick thinker. As he dove, he wrapped his wings around him. The chains grabbed ahold only for a moment. The firey blast, while momentarily destroying his wings, bought him enough room to slip passed the chains, landing on the ground next to the dragon. Then using the power of his legs, the twist of his body and the force of his left arm Jumped up land a punch on the dragon's head. Even though the woman had both Mason and Nailah to be worried about, she still thought she could stop to cast spells against Allard? Was she looking down on them? That made Nailah really annoyed. As Mason charged at the woman, she turned to guard against his attack, merely cursing after Nailah touched her. Taking off her eyes from Nailah was a lethal mistake... One Nailah would surely take advantage of... Putting herself in the woman's blind spot, taking advantage of her skills, she approached her once more. [color=C86060]"That was really rude of you, did you know that? Do you think you can afford to keep your eyes on anyone but me? I could have killed you twice already, did you notice that?"[/color] Nailah asked, whispering on her ear with a seductive tone as she stood behind the woman, her breasts touching her back as she gently touched with one hand and slowly sinking her claws into the woman's side with the other. The second the woman turned towards Nailah, instead of jumping back, she simply followed her, turn together with her. Where Nailah was before, a clone of her appeared, jumping back and leaning herself forward with her hands on her hips, swinging her tail as the taunted the woman. [color=C86060]"Have I finally earned your attention?"[/color] The clone said, swinging it's tail with a mischievous smirk on it's face. [color=C86060]"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"[/color] Nailah said, licking the woman's neck, before jumping back. [color=C86060]"Meow."[/color] a second clone said, whispering on her right ear. This time though, the woman was able to feel it's hot breath on her ear. Distinguishing between a clone and Nailah's real body was now impossible, thanks to her charm magic. As the three different 'Nailahs' circled the woman, occasionally one would dash forward, either gently caressing the woman and dashing away or slashing her with her searing hot claws. Differently from the first wound Nailah gave her, which was a deep one, these were superficial ones, aimed only to cause pain. [hr] Dremmick It didn't take long for Dremmick to spot who was spreading the vicious plants around the town. It was exactly who he thought looked suspicious from the nomads earlier. He perched himself atop a giant carnivorous plant, close to the center of town, making it easy to spread seeds of vines in any direction he assumed. Dremmick didn't mince words with the man when he got close, landing on a rooftop next to the huge plant. As his arm was nearing its energy limit, thanks to Ami, he pulled his arm back and punched forward, releasing the stored energy into a concussive blast a bit weaker than the one he unleashed outside of town. It pushed him back a bit in recoil, he hoped it would knock the plant around, hopefully causing it to become unstable where he could take advantage of the moment to strike at the masked man as he fell. If not, he would have to make arrangements to meet him a bit more personally. This nomad merely watched as Dremmick came to challenge him. The group of warriors with Allard began tearing through the plants. Galland without word began to charge in. Stone forming into a hammer in his hand and wind encircling it as a whirlwind of earth tore a plant to pieces and scattered it to the winds with one strike. Om unleashed a Dragon breathe. Unlike fire it froze the plants with a hiss. Then it shattered. Unable to be rejuvenated immediately. Instead struggling under the ice and crumbling more and more due to so. The large venous flytraps fell back. Crashing into a wall. However in the air was the summoner. Two daggers in both hands he soared down towards Dremmick. Bringing his right hand dagger down on his head. Unless this guy could fly, he just made a mistake trying to attack by falling toward him. It would mean he had nowhere to go but down. The long thins sword was onw in Dremmick's left hand and his right arm had bloody stains and holes throughout the wrappings. He let his right arm hang down, a steady flow of crimson on the ground, To keep the falling man busy however, the two spots where his horns used to be both has long spikes shoot from them, as if he instantly obtained horns of incredible length. They both went in the direction of the falling man to impale him. If he hit his target, he would turn the horns to blades and split him apart, if they missed, he would roll out of the way, and summon spikes from the pool of blood he planted on the ground. If he could fly... well, he would just have to get creative. Dremmicks strange and unexpected attack was intercepted by a similar strategy. A vine whipped out from this man's left and right sleeves. Like a mindful tendrils one met a nearby root of the giant plant. Pulling himself narrowly enough to avoid the horns while the other lashed out at Dremmick aiming for his legs to pull to the ground. Dremmick's faux horns retracted as he spun in place, slicing at the incoming tendril with his blade, and moving his right hand in a swinging motion towards the masked man in one smooth movement. this caused the spikes that erupted from the blood pool to detach and launch themselves toward the masked man. He would then try to move in fast to close the gap between them. The giant plant that was behind the summoner came forward under his command. Before Dremmick blood could hit him it swallowed it's master whole. The giant mouth of the creature closing around him. The giant creature whose height was two meters taller than the height of a building slammed down three vines to wrapping around Dremmick. Dremmick grunted in pain as the vines constricted him. [color=A52A2A]"Damn pests!"[/color] He cursed as two blades formed out of his cursed arm and sliced down vertically in front and behing him, the severed coils of the vies falling to his side. "Come on out you bastard!" His arm wasn't charged enough yet to fire off another blast, but he saw where he could fix that. Using his necromancy, he dipped his hand into the dying tendrils of the vines and pulled some more life energy out, before it all faded away. With that , he shot another concussive blast towards the mouth of the plant. This fight was fuedal the way he was going about. If he wanted to win, he had to get close. If he could do that, this will be over in an instant. The chuckling of the summoner could be heard before and after Dremmick fired his blast. "I didn't expect a practitioner of blood magic to be here. Let alone with such a beautiful daughter of Vrondi. So lucky you must be." The plant creature he remained inside of slowly recovered as tendrils felt around for anything living to get a hold of. Crawling into houses through Windows and taking pets and other unlucky creatures. "I have already won you see. My death will be another trophy for Nuxta. I'm sure you know that name." The creature got back up. It's tendrils slowing going for Dremmick again. [color=A52A2A]"If that's the case, how about you just stand there and wait for me to kill you?"[/color] Dremmick sneered as he advanced forward to the plant, cutting down vines as he went. He took his bottle of oil and put some in his mouth, before jumping on the side of the giant carnivorous plant's mouth the man was hiding in. Then a huge blast of fire erupted from his mouth as he made a large hole in the side of it, his blood magic at the ready when the hole opened. [color=A52A2A]"Knock knock,"[/color] He punched his hand forward and multiple spikes ran throughout the mouth of the plant, and from those spikes, more branched out, hitting a wild and broad area in front him him, skewering the plant in many places. If he hit him, the many tendrils would wrap around him and drag him out as Dremmick leaped off the creature. But though this was Dremmick intent grasping onto the body of the summoner and pulling him out only revealed he had been covered in the organisms seeds. Once meeting the light of Ami's aura they began to grow rapidly. Some flowing into Dremmicks blood tendrils. Then growing rapidly into vines. For the summoner being tossed around by his foes blood was short lived. As vines wrapped around him and pulled him away. Stopping at the center of the street. "You're quite the stubborn one. But beneath this Descended light I cannot be killed. I can however.. be reborn." He reached into his cloak. He pulled from out of it with great struggle and agony, blood flowing profusely, his heart. It vested while vines wrapped around it. "Witness... A new birth." [color=A52A2A]"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!"[/color] Dremmick shouted as he broke away from the tendrils that were taken over by the seeds. Crimson wings ripped through what little was left of the shirt and bandages on his back, growing from where his wings used to be, and used them to accelerate himself towards his foe. His eyes and arm started to glow with his necromancer aura. He shot out another tendril from his arm to encapsulate the heart so he hopefully couldn't do anything with it, quite yet anyway, and he used that purchase to pull himself in faster. If he missed he would continue by wrapping the tendril around the man's arm instead. [color=A52A2A]"You want to be a martyr!? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!"[/color] With that he moved in as his necromanced arm took a pale, ghostly, near transparent look as her went to drive it into the mans chest to rip his soul out, not making physical contact but around the arm, like with mason, ripples of light came from where his arm would disappear in the man's chest. He took a risk, and any plant seeds that got in him he would have his blood expel them from the many wounds on his body. The vines wrapped around the heart as if consuming it. However as Dremmick attempted to pull it away with his own blood the vines escaping the summoner body held onto the heart, along with vines from all over. The man reeled back a bit and gasped as Dremmicks arm planted itself into his bloody form. "Ah..! I... see..." As Dremmick began to pull out the man's essence the vines leaped to his rescue. Grasping onto Dremmicks arm and legs. Holding him in place as the soul he was holding began to be pulled by something else. Perhaps Dremmick could see it, or feel it. A force that stole the soul away from him. But instead of being gone entirely now standing before Dremmicks eyes was the summoner soul being held by a giant seraphim with black wings and hair. He stood nude and with a amused smile. Looking at the man's essence I his hands. [color=A52A2A]"Not one to share I see...,"[/color] Dremmick mumbled as his blood cut him loose and he jumped back, letting go of the soul. Seeds started shooting out from his body as he got rid of the seeds that landed on him from coming in contact with the man. [color=A52A2A]"Seems you have some friends in high places watching out for you."[/color] Dremmick commented as he gather his thoughts about what he saw when he made contact with the man's soul.