[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/j4reGhD.png[/IMG][/center] [@PaulHaynek]Ian [@Lmpkio]Morgan [hr] [color=gold]"You misunderstand Sir North."[/color] It wasn't going to do insulting the client, even though every fiber, every fiber of his being wants to denounce that magazine and its pseudo-science. [color=gold]"I meant the armor, it looks as if you are going to battle."[/color] Ozzy's concern was that they expected trouble. Ian then went on a rant partially accusing Ozzy of Chauvinism when honestly he was just trying to be gentlemanly. He listened to Ian assumption that he and Morgan were a pair. It was surprising, but Ozzy was a bit more composed when it came to the feelings of others. Had he been alone with North and the misunderstanding was made, he'd be a bit less eloquent. It appeared that Morgan did not respond in kind. She was looking around. After all, she had stated this was her village. Was her clan here? The one she spoke of last night? Ozzy gave a nervous smile, seems like Ian North was one of those eccentric types. [color=gold]"As delightful as that sounds, Morgan and myself had only met yesterday. So friends for the time being I hope. Though I do agree Sir North-[/color] Morgan gave the thumbs up and he strained to get him off the ground, but Morgan actually helped quite a bit, her wings rather enchanting and curiously patterned. She was stronger than she looked. [color=gold]"Such things are a team effort. Is that what the job is for, helping some couple find fulfillment? I've had to do that before, but that was less flowers and more explaining how humans and monsters could live together."[/color] Ozzy asked a hopefully long winded question, one to change the subject, two, to make the trip more pleasant. They didn't go too high, and the way Ian was being carried was probably quite humorous to onlookers. Belly to the earth while Ozzy gripped his shoulders. Figured the man needed to see where they were going. Ozzy also attempted conversation with Morgan whilst they flew. [color=gold]"Morgan! So you're from that little village? Were you born there? Or is that where the doctors you trained under were?"[/color]