[center][color=mediumpurple][h1]M α ʅ ʅ σ ɾ ყ[/h1][/color][hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][sub][b]Province of Ilagorn [/b]--[b] Adventurer's Guild a.k.a. The Delipitated Duck[/b] [color=gray]12th Hour of the 2nd Day, Summer[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][/center] Unfortunately, though she figured it was understandable, Nimr's performances would have to wait until much later into the day once the group had finally been assigned something to do. Mallory would definitely be pestering him into it during the quieter moments of their travels though, regardless of what Ier would say. Once the guildmaster had finished describing the list of tasks, the entire group's direction was swiftly decided by none other than young blonde knight herself. With no questions asked - or rather, with no questions [i]allowed[/i] to be asked - Mallory's fate was locked. Not that she particularly minded Ier's assertive decision, Mallory was actually feeling content with having a clearly defined group leader already. Although how the young knight behaved in that short exchange with the guildmaster was questionable to Mallory, at least the group wouldn't be wasting time squabbling about who should take charge or something usually as time consuming like that. Mallory wouldn't have liked that at all. Besides, venturing into a forest in search of lost valuables sounded far more interesting than doing what basically sounded like postal services. Mallory's lips curled up as she looked back on her own woodland explorations in her homeland; memories of causing forest fires in the summer afternoons and almost freezing to death running away in the winter evenings brought a bright, unassuming smile to the mage's face. But upon hearing that setting fire to the forest - whether on accident or on purpose, which Mallory had often both done in the past - would get the group into quite a bit of trouble, the mage shrank into herself a little. Mallory wasn't joking when she described herself to be spontaneous in nature, because it certainly reflected in how her magic worked. She kept her mouth shut, of course; Mallory wouldn't like it, no, she wouldn't [i]accept[/i] it if her status as one of the group's mages were to be taken away after witnessing just how unpredictable her mana control was. However, it wasn't like she had no magical skill at all, perhaps with the right timing and concentration she could provide the fire power Ier originally wanted. Mallory would just have to be more cautious this time, but usually those sorts of promises were easier said than done.