[s]Penelope's not going to be happy when she finds out about that XD[/s] Oh dang xD Ooo I'm excited for all of that cx I'm kinda thinking Penelope will hang around the castle/inner kingdom for a while instead of going straight back to the war, especially if we keep the whole thing of her seeing the Brerratic god and then having to convince the king into trying to end the war. Penelope learned a bit of how to manage property and some other business stuff over the timeskip so I'm thinking she'll show that off when trying to convince Albin cx I could see her definitely getting involved in some shenanigans. I also can't wait for her to find out that Naida is Crow's half sister XD I imagine that Naida doesn't really tell people much about her family, especially now, so Penelope probably has no clue to who her parents are or what family business she's taking care of currently cx And it's funny because I kinda pictured Albin sending Crow to Younis to negotiate as well cx I like that idea though! If we go down that route, I'm thinking Penelope will return to the battlefront when Crow leaves for Younis and then possibly return with him once she learns that there are plans for peace between the two kingdoms. As for how the war goes, I was originally thinking that either Brerra would sorta start to become more of the clear winner or it would continue to be a sorta stalemate between the two kingdoms by the time Penelope, Crow and John leave since I figure that either of those options would work better for the story and them trying to stop the war.