Wishes answered, it would seem. Questions and voices from more sources drew The Stranger's attention first to the towering undead woman. Silently, with their free hand, they offered a small wave in greeting before curiously tilting their head as if not understanding one of their questions. They did their best to respond, however, by miming; their hand flat with the palm facing down, then lowering it a measured inch before stopping. This gesture repeated a few more times before they slapped their palm onto the floor and ground the metal tip of their index finger audibly against the stone. They raised their hand once more to maybe depict five; their fingers spread...or...no? They turn their hand back and forth to show the back of their hand and then the palm a few times before sighing and relaxing, apparently giving up in frustration. The Stranger was wholly aware of the complexity of what they were trying to explain, but probably not the best at miming it out with only one hand, if at all. The Stranger eased back a bit away from River as she approached. They held up one finger and pointed to their other hand still locked in place. They made a sweeping 'behold' of a gesture to the faint ghostly forms of the remaining spirits also seemingly stuck by the same power. "I- can walk..." They replied with words River had just spoken before a faintly distant sound echoed back from them a soft [color=gray][i]"Eehhm..."[/i][/color] in response to the offer to being carried before holding a hand to wave in rejection of the offer. "Thank you...miss" came Nale's voice from The Stranger, next, thankful that they'd used such distinctions to better politely decline River's offer. They lifted their hand to their own throat, "Kazzok...hurt...my...[color=chartreuse]talking[/color]" they explained with the echoes of Nale's, River's, Gangraena's and then Lia's voice in that order to form the comment before making a gesture of grabbing hold of something and pulling it away. Bringing an index finger back to the tip of the beak of their mask in an 'shh' gesture, they conclude with River's word, "Here." Surely the group would have felt it by now, seen the spirits suspended by The Stranger's spell and gathered from their behavior that this was a world of curses. There was so much The Stranger wanted to tell them all, and that was very likely the specific reason his voice was stolen. The conclusion of the thought, however, was lack of immediate context.