[@Claw2k11] Nah mate goddmodding. Some trigger words: 1.) Duchy; i mean, we all want one, but a Duke owns a Duchy, but werent we restricted from being a Duke? If you mean another Dukes Duchy, then whos? There are only 3 that exist. 2.) So your character is basically a General, thats cool, about time if you ask me. But they have their own city of Stonehaven which has a gold mine? I mean, sure we all probably know of a gold mine or two, but i just want to check you arnt suggesting that you have the strongest army character ASWELL as the largest personal bank. I dont think anyone yet has mentioned gold mines but you happen to have a "rich" one. 3.) "Burgher of Osthaven... leader of only city in the county" Wow you have a CITY?! I mean, 100,001 is the definition of the smallest city worthy of the name. So far i personally have been operating off of the principle that the only city is Cobsterra. Am i wrong? Do i need to suddenly upgrade my towns to citys? 4.) "Debts Received: Through careful management and perhaps a bit of trickery, Sylla has been able to make sure that a range of people from simple peasants to rich merchants become indebted to her and as a result have become her eyes and ears throughout the kingdom." Oh thats cool so you basically single handedly pulled off the most difficult thing its possible to do and cant even tell us how you did it. Coolio... I mean, we can work with it the way it is. I for one will have to regear my character to ending the reign of terror of this obvious ubersoldier, but that'll make the game a little dry. We all are kind of godmodding in different ways, i have trade, the other dude has intellect, you have war. But we're being way more subtle. Get on our level! lol. Addenda: 5.)"The county of Komos has a sort of a special status within Hyuon and indeed Cobsterra itself, as its lords have been given the status of Marcher Lords, a status which [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YmMNpbFjp0]significantly diminishes the amount of taxes and levies the lords have to provide to their liege[/url] and are given a fairly significant amount of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POIuK0TnVyI]autonomy[/url]. In return, however, the lords are to use these levies, this gold and this freedom to become the shields of the kingdom and become a buffer between the Kingdom itself and the Anma Coalition." Humm... 6.) "The main port of the city itself, however, in meant to be as a place where the main fleet of the kingdom is supposed to rest, should war start with the Coalition." So you own the navy aswell? Quit stealing my moves! Someone had better invent an airforce so you can assume control and stewardship of it that too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhy7dXWjpAA Fun game, try to think of a power the king has or a function of feudal state that Komo has not absorbed.