[center][h2]Handling the Franchise[/h2][/center] [b]I. Administration[/b] -- [i]3rd Week of April - 4th Week of June[/i] -- Hiring coaching staff -- Setting your budgets and handling facilities. -- Scouting. [b]II. The Roster[/b] -- [i]1st Week of July - 2nd Week of July[/i] -- Draft players. -- Sign and release free agents. [b]III. Training Camp[/b] -- [i]1st Week of August - 4th Week of August[/i] - Train players - Develop philosophy for coaching, offense and defense. [b]IV. Pre-Season[/b] -- [i]1st Week of September - 4th Week of September[/i] - Four weeks of pre-season games to fine tune the team. [b]V. Regular Season[/b] -- [i]1st Week of October - 1st Week of March[/i] - Battle it out for a chance to make the playoffs.