[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ISYAKnG.png[/img] [b][u]Muko[/u][/b][/center] Yep! Mission accomplished! A complete success of events that should endear him greatly to his fellow Guild Members. Praise at how he pacified a brawl with a healthy dose of snow and i- [i][b]"OI, YA DAMN BARNEY RUBBLIN' GIT! HAVEN'T YA GOT THE SLIGHTEST NOTION OF RESPECTIN' OTHA PEEPLE'S SPACES?! WHERE ARE YA BLOODY MANNAS?!"[/b][/i] That brilliant grin went from flashy and smug, to sort of half smile, mouth open and eyes semi drooped in the [url=https://img.fireden.net/v/image/1468/54/1468544639621.jpg]dumbest kind of face[/url] possible. All the joy of making a snowfall vanished, replaced with silence before the depression kicked right in. Head hung, arms flopping forward, and slightly hunched from the weight of it all. [color=8493ca][sub]"He's right. That wasn't cool at all. I truly failed to respect the traditions and honors of others. How can I expect to uphold my title if I ruin the lives of everybody around me? I should have thought it through more. I sh-"[/sub][/color] So sucked into his own self pity, Muko failed to notice the immediate consequences of his action. Vega's foot crashed into his face, the impact from the strike knocking him back. Cartwheeling through the air in the most obvious mood whiplash ever, he plowed through at least two guild members, and impacted into a bank of snow. Muko unseen, as he was buried deep in cold, wet, slush. [sub][color=8493ca]"Why should we have fun? We're only going to cause more woes and pain."[/color][/sub] Muko whined out as the snow melted around him. Soaking him in water till the great dragonslayer looked more like a wet dog, than a hero of any kind. "Dude, you're bringing the vibe down." Another member whispered to Muko. "Just punch him back before the guild master shows up." [color=8493ca][sub]"What's the point?"[/sub][/color] "He did kick you in the face." [color=8493ca]"Good point."[/color] Muko said, a bit more peppy feeling. Maybe punching Vega could fill the whole in his heart. He sat up, eyes narrowed and focus upon the scythe wielding member of the guild. He charged, kicking off the ground and swinging at the distracted Vega. A good right hook should cheer him up.