[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303645471333810177/321534524594847747/58a05e5162bfff3328cfcc7df52fcaca.png[/img][/center] [@Enkryption] FF5353 Magnus quickly realized that his tongue had slipped in his questioning of the holstaur, panicking just a bit as he thought very carefully about what would be best to say in the moment. His mind quickly fell on it being better to be honest here, since if the woman did have information, them just going off to fight some random salamander would mean potentially never getting that info. Clearing his throat, Magnus said: [color=FF5353][b]"S-Sorry. What I meant to say was...we're looking for Jeb's lover. The job he sent to our guild said that she had been kidnapped, and we figured that if he came here, someone was bound to know his wife...girlfriend...lady friend. We didn't want to waste time in case she was in danger is all."[/b][/color] He then, whispered: [color=FF5353][b]"Also please go easy on my partner...she's new to this."[/b][/color] he said, before standing back up straight, trying to at least act professional after his blundering while waiting to see if the holstaur knew anything about Jeb's lover. Right now, a good idea of what she looked like would help immensely, as well as information on whether she'd been seen in town at all recently. [Who Are You To Judge?] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7EZFS7c.png[/img][/center] A9A9A9 Nephele's muscles tensed as she readied herself to lunge and spill blood, the slightest shifting of her right foot being made just before the laughter echoed. Staring blankly at the lot of them, Nephele was caught completely off guard by how...goofy this nonsense was. Was she fated to just...always come to hate men in armor when she was on a quest? A sharp exhale escaped her mouth before she relaxed her shoulders. She had no reason not to follow, yet also made sure to check her peripheral constantly, looking on edge as they entered the seedy bar. Taking her seat across from this man, Felipe, she nodded her head once. [color=A9A9A9][b]"I am indeed from the guild...though, shouldn't you keep your voice down? I haven't personally had much experience with Emilio, but members of our guild have spoken of him."[/b][/color] Nephele replied, bearing a serious expression on her face. Gingerly, her long index-claw tapped on the wood before her as she looked at Felipe, unsure of whether the resistance had complete control of the bar, if this was all a strange elaborate trap, or just a case of the resistance members being way to mouthy, but she did want to skip straight to the point of all this. Her ebony tail was at rest below her feet, curled around the stool she sat upon as her eyes looked about the bar. [color=A9A9A9][b]"So, what exactly do you need doing, Mr. Felipe? I was under the impression that you had..."work", for me, but if it is so easy to walk about, it feels strange you should need my help. For now, in public, Yes, I am indeed from a "caravan" sent to deliver supplies."[/b][/color] Felipe could tell immediately that she was all business, while all Nephele saw was Ian 2.0, but with more of a beard...well, she assumed Ian didn't have one, at least. She would make it a point not to order anything nor accept any food or drink offered. She couldn't trust a thing Felipe said just yet, until the details of the contract were laid out. Or a trap was sprung. Whichever, really. [Liberation, at Any Price]