[@MissCapnCrunch] [hider=Sheridan William Danvers][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MVnQAzo.jpg[/img] [color=#2980B9][h1]Sheridan William Danvers[/h1][/color][/center] [color=#2980B9][b]What is your name?[/b][/color] [indent]Sheridan William Danvers. I prefer going by William, though. Just "Will" is fine with me. Or even "Danvers".[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]How old are you?[/b][/color] [indent]37-years-old.[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]Looking for a showmance?[/b][/color] [indent]Male, Heterosexual ; I'm not exactly in a position to be looking for a 'showmance', but.. things happen unexpectedly.[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]Where are you from?[/b][/color] [indent]Springfield, Missouri[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]Do you have a job?[/b][/color] [indent]Got a job at a comic book store. Probably part of the reason I'm still single, ha. I'm part-owner, though. S'gotta count for something.[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]What has your life been like so far?[/b][/color] [indent]Life's been hell, but what can I say? I've survived this long. Grew up in a comfortable setting. Family was great, childhood was awesome.. high school I got bullied, but I mean... wasn't that big of a deal, and nothing I couldn't handle. Got through it just fine. Graduated with honors. I put all my time and energy into opening up the comic book shop with a high school buddy of mine. That, and my own private collection of comics. [s]And let me tell ya, it's [i]huge.[/i][/s] Personally love DC, but Marvel is equally as good. I just prefer the darker stories, like the ones DC tends to provide. Favorite character has gotta be The Riddler. Least for a guy. Female-wise, I'd have to go with The Sirens. Can't pick just one.. why not have them all?[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]Any quirks, talents, or weird facts about you?[/b][/color] [indent]I can read pretty damn quick. Learning new things is a piece of cake, for me. I'm a visual learner. I watch someone once and bam, I've got it down. Back in high school I used to run cross country, so I have pretty decent endurance, and I'm pretty quick. Agile, like.. like a cat. I can promise you, though.. I don't always land on my feet. So, please don't test that theory. Ever. Oh, I can also do magic tricks, too. Something I enjoyed doing as a kid, besides reading about Greek Mythology, I practiced magic. Some people say I'm pretty spontaneous, although I personally don't think I'm that bad. Who knows. You'll just have to wait and see for yourself.[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]Why do you deserve to win?[/b][/color] [indent]Nobody ever really deserves these things, do they? No one [b]honest[/b] really goes out for these things. In all honesty, I probably don't deserve this.. but you know what? I'm going for it, anyway. Time for life to start giving back.[/indent] [color=#2980B9][b]And if you do win, what will you do with the million dollars?[/b][/color] [indent]Add to my comic collection.. buy some rare ones and call it a day. Shit, getting Stan Lee's autograph would be nice. On my favorite Spider-man comic. Yeah. Wonder how much that would mzke a dent in the mill.[/indent] [/hider]