[@TheMystic] Nadia in the house! [hider=Nadia] [b]Name:[/b] Nadia Nemeth [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b](Old world) Occupation:[/b] Student & Athlete [hr] [b]Class:[/b] Lancer [b]Equipment:[/b] Her primary weapon is a Halberd, a polearm with both a spear and axe head. Her secondary weapons are javelins, which are kept on her back for when she needs a more ranged approach. Additonally, she has a decent bit of steel armour on her to keep her nice and safe from harm. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/b0b8/th/pre/i/2012/151/b/3/female_spear_knight_by_thuong1308-d51rggw.png[/img] [b]Magic specialty:[/b] Transmutation & Divination [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Nadia is a spirited girl with a knack for physical tasks. Name a sport, and she probably dabbled in it while she was younger, and did well at some of them too. She is particularly good with her eyes; both with being physically accurate and catching out fine details in any given situation. She’s no genius, but she does manage to crank out a good observation or two about things from time to time. She can be rather indecisive about things, however, and even when an obvious path is laid out for her, she tends to second guess what she knows and hesitate. [b]Biography:[/b] Some people might say Nadia was born to be an athlete. Her parents were athletes, and they got her into it all at a young age. As a child, she enjoyed being the bowler on her school’s cricket team in Manchester, and when she got older, she ventured into activites like shot put and javelin. Javelin in particular became something of a passion for her; she enjoyed not only being able to throw something really far, but also to make a pinpoint hit with it. There was nothing quite like seeing a sleek projectile hurtle through the air and seeing it stike a target for Nadia. It would seem obvious to anyone watching her as to how her life should pan out. She clearly had a talent and interest in athletics, so surely she should go on to do it professionally. For Nadia, the choice was anything but simple. As she went on to attend a university, she began to wonder about what she should really do with herself. Sure, she had talent, but did she have enough talent to pursue it at a professional level? Could she really do this for a living? She wondered if she shouldn’t find something more bankable to study at university than to focus on athletics. Of course, the longer she wondered, the more time flew by, and the more she felt pressured to make a decision… [b]Other:[/b] N/A [/hider]