[@Phantomlink959] Richard offers the Dijin a nod as he lays a hand at the back of the zombie's head. [color=brown]"I apologize deeply that you were forced out of your eternal rest. Find peace yet again."[/color] Richard then focuses divine magic throughout his being and a faint [url=https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Soul+Appease]pillar of light[/url] shines upon him and soon the zombie goes still; as whatever malevolent force controlling it is severed. Standing back up, the rookie agent performs the sign of the cross to where the still body of the zombie laid. [color=brown]"May your rest be undisturbed this time."[/color] The young man looks around the area and spots no other shambling figures. He had expected the culprit to have at least risen more than one corpse, he was thankful that it was not the case but it was strange none the less. Richard then looked to Argus. [color=brown]"Strange how expert necromancer would only raise one body...any ideas why, Argus?"[/color]