The first circle Once Ash gave her answer, I stared at the doctor giving him one the most intensive stares I've given to anyone before, while I was looking cool locking eyes with the combat medic, I was really trying to form up a plan to do all this without getting my brains eaten by those myr women down below, if they even ate human brains; after coming up with something I put my feet down and stood up, I pointed to Ash first."Ash you're gonna play defense on board the ship, I can't have you going down there with us and risk you getting eaten or ripped apart by those Myr. I also can't risk you getting infected and eating Ven's brains like your third lunch." "Hey!" The blue haired dog woman yelled."I'm sitting right here!" "Yeah so what?" I asked "Ass." I then turned my attention over to Ven now," Vennashire, you're gonna keep the engines warm for us just in case we gotta run off and escape fast." The Ausar let out a sigh of relief before I continued." Also it's because your a big pussy when it comes to insects and anything that has chitin and more than 2 legs." Her face twisted from relived to anger before she could yell at me I pulled on one of her wolf-like ears to shut her up and got a bit more serious." Go over the start up process with Yan a couple times and memorize it correctly so we don't take off only to nose dive into something." Ven nodded before I pointed to Rika, before I could say anything Rika already had some form of a plan or idea of what I wanted her to do, the mummy girl had sat herself on the floor surrounded by a number of homemade molotovs." Rika I-" She cut me off by putting a bandaged hand up and playing her tape recorder." Crowd control. To first control the star ship, one must first use the proper start up sequence." She pressed the stop button. I thought about it and figured we would need the outside cleared when we got back outside and agreed with the little pyro."Y-Yeah roast a shit ton of them Mummy." I spun around to Yan pointing at him with both hands."Yan get use to that shovel and grab your boomstick, you're coming with us and killing some of those deadites."The subhuman man sighed and rolled his eyes." Gaz this isn't some ancient b rated movie, we fuck this up, we're all dead and I don't know." He shrugged. I got serious and looked him in the eye." Yan, you are the only one who've fought these things besides the good doctor here."I motioned my head in their direction, I pulled him in close to me and whispered." Plus, I don't see these guys as extra lives to a House of Zed videogame man, I really want to make sure we all get the hell out of here together. Also this is a bit more honorable than robbing a bank." Yan looked down at me and gave me a nod, he didn't want to go back out there, but he was willing to do it. Once most of the others had an idea of what they were doing, Noi nearly jumped on me asking me what she could do even giving me a salute as her roller blades struggled to stay still on the floor plates, gave it some thought before snapping my fingers." Easy, you're coming with us and keeping the doc safe, if it comes to it Noi bite'em, we can always get another crazy cat girl from a pirate group." She spun up her saw ready with an excited grin. The saw almost gave me the idea of replacing my hand with it and taking it from Noi, but seeing how she's gotten attached to the thing it would almost be a sin to do it, plus it would probably cramp my style walking around with a saw for a hand. With my little dream team together, I figured we could do this, or die horribly trying to do this and have the planet risk being nuked, yeah no pressure no pressure at all. Before we opened up the cargo bay to get into this mess, I asked the combat doctor if the we could get infected, excluding Ash from the group." Well from what I know, it won't infect us, or has enough time to adapt to infect us, yet. I wouldn't suggest eating the mushrooms we find down there could have...Side effects." "So, don't eat anything." I looked at Noi. Before I hit the cargo bay doors, Ash tried running to catch up to us and put her hand on my shoulder huffing and puffing."Gaz take this." she handed me her old revolver and tried to tell me something but it was hard to under stand her with all the huffing and puffing she was doing. The red Myr took a knee trying to catch her breath before we opened the cargo bay doors. I looked at the revolver Ash gave me, it looked like a real hand cannon unlike those other revolvers that I've seen on Myrellion, I spun it around my trigger finger catching the handle in my palm and looking down it's iron sights." Damn, you might not get this back Ash." I shoved the gun into the back of my pants before we started heading down. When our feet hit the metal plating of the ground, it was like a dinner bell, groups started to coming towards our position, Rika acted quick igniting and throwing her molotovs at the groups setting them on fire before they could get close. The smell of roasting Myr filled my nose and nearly made me gag, it was an indescribable smell, actually, it was something close to having a bowl of bugs on fire along with a pot of flesh, I nearly puked from it but held off the urge when a couple of them stumbled through the flames. I pulled out Ash's revolver and kept it at the hip squeezing the trigger as I eyeballed my shot, when I fired my first shot I twisted my elbow best I could as my shot connected with a Myr and half the zombie soldier's head exploded; I began thinking to myself that this is kinda like house of the Zed right now, one shot to the head and nearly their whole head explodes. But before I could yell about it to Yan, the combat medic grabbed my shoulder and fired on a couple more of the red and gold Myr dropping them and pulling me with him to the main building. When we got to the doors, I ordered Noi to cut'em open as Rika began using her molotovs and flamethrower to roast the Myr, she broke away from us and started climbing up on several of the Mushrooms catching their attention."Rika has the horde's attention, we gotta be quick so she doesn't run out of fuel."I told the others before the door broke down in on it's self. Suddenly gunfire came from above down on the horde, it was Ash gunning down most of the other Myr I could see her light machine gun spraying down on them, she then stopped and with her barrel going hot red and reloading. The Rest of us headed inside where more fungus was growing off the walls and some of the corpses strewn about the main hall and front desk. The atrium inside this place was massive with mushroom caps lining most of the ivory walls and floor, bodies of humans, Ausar, and a couple lizard people were thrown over the front desk attached to the walls and I think there was an Ausar arm attached to the ceiling; how these fuckers attached one of the dog people to the ceiling made me wonder if the bothric were. Soon my thoughts were answered, by the elevator at the other end of the hall there was a Quadomme botheric covered in the shit colored fungus, making a clicking noise with their mouth. All of us dived for the front desk taking cover behind it, I glared at the combat medic." What the hell man? I thought you said." "I never said anything about the Bothrioc, they were contained along with the Quadomme, they joined of their own free will." He tried to cover for himself. Yan looked over the desk before sharing his own thoughts."The more I hear about all of this, the more I hate about all of this." "Same Bud." I agreed. "Listen we did this in the name of science and furthering the races on this planet, don't judge me because of this outbreak" He tried to defend himself. " I think it's blind we could walk right by it if we're quiet enough, or lure it away from the elevator." Yan explained. " Throw'em the doc." I suggested." They'd be more pissed off at him than they would be at us." " Your crew mate was right, you are an ass." I chuckled before pulling out a one of my hammer pistol clips, I thumbed out one of bullets and flicked it over the desk, when I heard it land and the sound of the Quadomme's feet across the floor I wave the others to follow me as I crawled along the floor heading towards the elevator. I felt a bit more relived when we made it to the elevator but when I hit the button for it and the machine dinged to alert the Quadomme I groaned as it shrieked at us. "Shit's really dim sometime."