She looked down at the masked fellow, standing in a power stance because why not. She looked pretty much just confused in regards to the little charades act this stranger tried to put on. When he strung together his response she felt bad for the little guy so she strode over and set a firm hand on his shoulder, her flesh the same temperature as the dungeon's air. "Whoo's this Kazzzok guy? Why'd he hurt yoouur taalkiinng?" She asked the little fellow. Having been dismembered herself she felt it wasn't just that whoever this guy was would just up and pull out this guy's vocal cords. All in all getting stuck in a box as a pile of disassembled pieces was a bummer but at the very least her comeback was already showing promise. Already there were heads in need of smashing, all she needed was the where and how. She'd do with just her fists in a pinch but she was far more comfortable using a weapon, even if it was just a tavern door or some unfortunate paladin's torn off leg. It was only then that she started taking notice of the fact there were other people there too. They even had stuff of their own to say, even if it was all more of the same. They wanted a way out and nobody knew the directions save for possibly the bird masked man. Taking her hand off of him she started to look at her surroundings. _ Taking a quick scan of the area she looked around to see if there was anything to repurpose into a weapon of some sort. All she saw were torches stuck in some sort of stasis and that weird metal thing on one of the ladies's back. She resisted her impulse to take the metal thing since she figured the other lady might want to use that as her weapon so the next best thing were the torches. In a nonchalant manner she strode up and grabbed the still torch firm, yanking it from it's sconce with one easy pull. The very moment she had touched the thing it suddenly came alive, the fire resuming it's function of burning at the end of the stick. "Woaah! Coooll!" She exclaimed with excited amazement. She hadn't seen magic like that before. "Heeyy guyyss! Check thiiss oouutt! This toorrch iiss maagicaall~!" She proclaimed with great pride towards this great discovery of hers, waving the torch up in the air like a banner. Looking up at her torch she only now notices the weird looking specters all frozen in place. It was like they were gargoyles or something. "Whaat're those?" She asked, her mood shifting back to confused once again as she pointed up at the still creatures with her free hand.