At Ratte's words, Kai began frantically glancing around, hoping to get some idea of how to hide them while they made their escape. That was when, to his astonishment, Isago pulled out some smoke bombs to use as cover. Hopefully he could get the older man to introduce him to his supplier when it was all over. He could make out Isago running in his direction and took it as a cue that it was time to go, besides, that female assassin in the basement was most likely on her way out after him. However, he then heard Isago addressing some 'girl', and he looked back to see a teenage girl who looked not much older than himself. There was something rather menacing and unsettling about her, and what she did next only justified his discomfort. She did not seem like she was on the side of the group that was attacking them, but he saw the trail of fire, registering that it might blow the entire building up. Panic struck the boy. What were they supposed to do? Was there anything they [i]could[/i] do? Every single person in that tavern was most likely going to die if they let that happen, along with their own group if they did not ditch the area at once. Sure, they were thieves who would not hesitate to take out people who were in their way, but were they going to take cover and let this mass murder happen, or attempt to find some way to put the fire out? He looked to Isago and Ratte, wondering how [i]they[/i] were going to respond. [@KatherinWinter] [@King Tai] [@FalkiThomas] [@xXSINXx]