Bishop looked over the layout of the warehouse, making mental notes here and there on good positions and points of interest. Satisfied he returned the pad and took the comms device from Yuri. [color=#ff8c00]"Alright. Let's do this."[/color] Bishop stood up and confirmed. ______________________________________________________ [h3][center]Later at the meeting spot.[/center][/h3] The broad-shouldered merc walked up to the location just a short distance from the pier, eyeing up the elf warily. [color=#ff8c00]"Are you Dark_Pheonix?"[/color] His voice came out a touch electronic and fuzzy from the speaker on his helmet. He adjusted something along the back of his helmet with an armored hand. His voice came out more clearly this time. [color=#ff8c00]"There that's better."[/color] He extended his hand out to her for a formal handshake. [color=#ff8c00]"Name's Bishop."[/color]