[@Plank Sinatra] [@Crimmy] [@Enkryption] [i][color=green]Goddamn bush.[/color][/i] Surreal though it was, reality had long since left the building. Adrenaline was in charge now. Higher brain functions were in the passenger seat, hands off the wheel, which is why they could remark on petty little things like the bush that tore her uniform. Not that she cared too much about it, but it was the principle of the thing. She hated her clothes getting damaged. Still, it was better than [i]her[/i] getting damaged. She'd landed without much incident, a couple of small scratches aside. And short of Dorian, Jin was the person she felt safest having around. Between them, she was pretty sure they could take on anything. Unlike Morimoto Lia wasn't concerned that these things were [i]possible[/i]; despite her lack of education, she was still plenty aware that the magical was indeed alive and well in the world. What bothered her was not knowing [i]why[/i]. [i]Why[/i] were these things happening? What was causing this plant growth? What was behind the stone soldiers? [i]How[/i] could it be stopped? From the passenger's seat, the student's higher brain functions had plenty of time to ruminate. [color=green]"Alright, Jin, what next? Morimoto will be down in a minute."[/color] The words had barely left her mouth, as she glanced back up towards the window, when the arrow struck him. And before her eyes, her homeroom teacher turned [i]into[/i] one of those stone assailants. And landed on the ground. Quite close to her. [i][color=green]Oh you've got to be [b]fucking[/b] kidding me.[/color][/i] The lizard brain was in charge, though, and understood readily that the fastest way out of danger was to the [i]side[/i]. So the thought hadn't even left her mind before, instead of standing up and running, she dove to the side and rolled. Sure got her away from the charge fast enough. [i]Then[/i] she popped to her feet, closer to Jin than she had been, and reflexively chucked one of her shoes with unerring aim at the statue's head. [color=green]"Hey, anything in the banchou manual for animated statues?"[/color] Elevated heart-rate, dilation of the eyes, increased bantering. Yup, Lia noted of herself with clinical detachment, reality had definitely checked out.