Your first Pokemon, your first battle, your very first moments as a trainer. These are moments that a surprising amount of people forget. Living in the moment is good, but sometimes you need to look back at where you came from just so you remember who you are, and how you got here. Hello! Call me Pap! I may not have posted much but there are a few things I have seen regarding Pokemon roleplay, mostly that everyone wants to be the Pokemon master right off the bat! ( or at least a veteran trainer. ) This makes me sad, because for as entertaining that can be, I have always wanted to explore the growing bond and early adventures of young trainers and their Pokemon! ( And no, I do not mean a pre-trained Raichu or Garydos you aquired from mom/dad. ) I don't expect too much interest but if 2 people decide they may enjoy it I would be more than willing to make this a small group deal. Basically this story will involve my trainer Yui Kaneko and her late start into the world of Pokemon training! Where most trainers start at 10 or 11, Yui is 16. Yui was a girl raised in a reasonably wealthy family in the Hoenn region, born to an overprotective father who had her homeschooled. Eventually she has enough and runs away from home with a friend to Slateport City, where she boards a ship headed to another region! Desperate to keep her safe, her father finally allowed her journey on the promise that she accept a gift, a Pokemon egg! White with light blue spots. ---- More is to be developed but I hope we can all see where this can go! A group of rookie trainers possibly from different regions, coming together to explore the world!