The next day came and Penelope was still focused on the chat with Hazel the night before. The knight couldn't shake her worry about Crow easily, even after getting some sleep. But along with her worry, there was also a slightly more selfish desire to see him again. Who knew how long it would be before she could see him again after all? [i]Will I even get to?[/i] The question made the knight shudder. Though she didn't want to accept it, there was a good chance that his illness could kill him before they were able to find a cure. The thought was unpleasant alone but she also realized that she wanted to be at his side if his days were truly numbered. Perhaps she could speak to Hazel about keeping her updated on his condition. If he took another turn for the worst, she wanted to know so she could figure out a way to visit him. Penelope was certain she could come up with some excuse, be it going on a patrol or merely a lone walk from camp, anything that would allow her to get away from camp long enough to be there for him. The knight sighed, hoping that it wouldn't come to that as she walked on towards the infirmary to speak with Jane. Hazel may have agreed, but she still have to get the physician to agree to the meeting. The last time she spoke with her, she had seemed reluctant but willing to meet with the herbalist. Penelope hoped that hadn't changed. "Jane?" she called out as she poked her head into the physician's usual tent. "Yes?" Jane asked, looking up calmly from the book she had been reading. Her gaze fell on Penelope and she raised an eyebrow at the knight questioningly. "What do you need dear? If your side bothering you?" "Oh I'm fine." Penelope assured as she stepped further inside. "I came to talk to you about meeting with the herbalist about the illness in the village near here again." Jane pursed her lips together and slowly closed her book, resting it on her lap. "I see.." she frowned. "You're really concerned with this illness aren't you?" "I think it could prove a real threat to us if we're not careful." Penelope nodded. She paused before giving Jane a pleading look. "It couldn't hurt to be prepared.. You'll still meet with her right?" The physician let out a tired sigh. "I suppose.. Do Mia or any of the other barons know about this?" "I.. No I haven't mentioned it to them.." "You better get their approval first. I'm not willing to go sneaking around their backs, Penelope." Jane said with a hint of accusation. It was clear to Penelope that she was referring to her day spent away from camp. It seemed that it hadn't been completely forgotten despite all she had done to try and make up for it. She paused before nodding her head. "I understand.. But if I can get their approval, you'll meet with her for sure right?" -- The sun was beginning to set and Penelope had finished making the arrangements for the coming meeting with Hazel. She had managed to get Mia's approval without much difficulty. She explained the situation to Mia in a similar way that she had with Jane and the baroness seemed to agree with her, even understanding that it would be a positive thing for both the villagers and the knights. Penelope didn't bother to seek approval from neither Bennet nor Edward though. Jane hadn't specified that she wanted the approval of all three barons so the knight figured it was best and faster to just settle with Mia's approval. Relaying the message of the baroness' approving, she got Jane to agree to meet with Hazel in the coming day. Relieved that everything had worked out after a day of running around camp, Penelope quietly enjoyed her dinner with some of her comrades. As day turned to night, she eventually parted with them and headed off to her tent. She felt anxious for the next day to come, feeling a spark of hope that Jane would be able to help Hazel while also feeling a little worried about how well the two would get along. She let out a long sigh and eventually fell asleep.