[@Rabidporcupine][@rivaan][@LittleFae][@Zhaliora][@bobert778] Uhhhhh, hey, plot twist guys, I'm actually alive, I think. It's been a pretty long while. I've been going through a shitton of changes and life mostly just kind of, ate me, I guess? I've had a lot of lovely adventures concerning themes of [list] [*]Going to school finally [*]Working [*]Acute financial stress [*]Depression [*][b][i]G E N D E R D Y S P H O R I A[/i][/b] [*]And more [/list] Even though things are slightly more stable, I'm not exactly too sure about what's going on anymore or if anyone's still really in this, but if they are, I'll have a post out this week.