[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180414/59b76bf7b5b78d2bb3d2a7fb86019d1b.png[/img][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180102/9dd1c4dc7761d47b108378b261e90452.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][@FantasyChic][@LadyRunic][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][/center][hr][hr][@KazAlkemi] [color=A4FFFC]"Do you want to see what they do? Trust me, it isn't fun... Honestly for about 10 minutes earlier I got locked in a room and they cranked up the heat, and for me, that isn't exactly a good thing when my powers are active. Heard there is something that they have that counteracts the inhibitors, another formula or something, it would probably be useful right about now..."[/color] "Shut your mouths mutants!" one of the guards said before the explosion went off. Demetria took her chance, and she was all for the getting the hell out of there, and she knocked out the nearest guard, slamming her foot into his knee before kicking his face. It had been the one who was talking to them on occasion, or more of yelling at them. [color=A4FFFC]"Yo Freddie? Got any of that stuff that could get the inhibitor out of our systems or whatever?"[/color] she asked him as Flynn knocked another guard down, before he grabbed both of them by the arm and dragged them into the lab as a mob of agents went straight for the sound. "No, but we should be able to find what you need in here," he said, the scientists had mostly left the room, but Flynn shot a few of them to knock them down before they could do anything against them. "Recommendation? You hurry up, and pray that whoever is attacking the facility keeps on attacking it. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s3.favim.com/orig/44/logan-lerman-percy-jackson-Favim.com-370817.gif[/img] [color=yellow][b]Location:[/b] Cells[/color][/center][hr][hr] Lance face palmed when he glanced over at Dean. First the guy screamed about an explosion, then there was that, that was definitely not the best way to go about things, at least right now anyway. That was a little ridiculous, and this certainly was not the time for that. [color=7ea7d8]"Okay, seriously there? I don't think now is the time for that,"[/color] Pietro said, voicing Lance's thoughts on the whole thing straight out. For one he actually agreed with the speedster on something. [color=yellow]"Uh... Anyway... Let's get going,"[/color] Lance said, shaking his head. [color=7ea7d8]"Also. another thing. How much of a wuss are you to scream at an explosion. I mean we nearly got killed by giant robots today, and you are screaming and freaking out over an EXPLOSION? You are ridiculous..."[/color] [color=yellow]"Cut him some slack, I mean not everyone is used to explosions, people smashing buildings or whatever..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"If he's been at the mansion for a few years he should be used to it."[/color] [color=yellow]"Be quiet, alright, let's get going before I start getting the urge to strangle you even more than I already do... Let's go before we kill each other by arguing."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Alright... But we shouldn't kill too many humans if we don't have too..."[/color] Thalia flinched when Ayita flew over to her and started messing with her wings. Ayita had a much better look at her injuries, and it was pretty bad. The base of her wings was badly bloodied and they were blackened and burned. Ayita would be able to create the sling for Thalia's wings, and soon, she'd feel her own powers returning to her. [color=a9a9a9]"...Thank you..."[/color] Thalia said softly, but she wasn't really heading towards the exit now. When Richard shoved the agent into the cell, he didn't really do anything to fight back, already knowing that he was beaten. Injuries wise, everyone wouldn't be doing too badly (aside from Thalia). Dean's injury was all but completely healed, and Ayita's had stopped bleeding by now, and same with Allison's, so they were doing decently overall, though they would be pretty sore and slightly painful still. However, anyone looking over at Pietro would notice that he had a slightly crazed look in his eye suddenly, and it was definitely not the normal sort of thing for him. [color=7ea7d8]"Humans can just go die, haven't seen one that hasn't wanted at least some of us dead. They can all go to hell for all I care, just as long as I don't have to deal with their bullshit anymore. They want us dead, sure why the hell not, they practically are declaring war on us anyway by freaking locking us up in here if you ask me, let's go kill them, show no mercy, they don't deserve any."[/color] Lance stared at Pietro when he said that, having completely contradicted what he had said practically a few seconds before. [i]What the hell? Is it just me or did the idiot actually sound like Magneto with that outburst of his?[/i] he thought to himself, looking at the speedster. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color] and [color=8493ca]Mirembe Adebayo[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/BQpV8zJr/giphy.gif[/img] [color=007236][b]Location:[/b] Quinjet[/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=A6C1C3]"It's okay Malo Guina... It did it's job... And hey, it might have caused enough of a commotion for those down below to work on getting out and meeting us up here... So don't worry about it... Folly knew there was a chance that she'd get blown up, and trust me, there are weirder things... She could have lost all of her limbs except for her head, which is extremely weird I tell you... So you didn't do too badly,"[/color] he said, giving her a slight smile. [color=007236]"I agree with him on that one Guin, that actually probably benefited us in the long run, considering. I mean, you likely drew a good chunk of the OMEN agents upstairs, and outside, so that means the lower levels are probably clear, giving the others a chance to get free or whatever more easily,"[/color] Mary added, heading out of the Quinjet. What the two of them had said was obviously true, as there appeared to be a wave of OMEN agents heading out of the giant hole in the wall. However they also were somewhat limited in their approach to things. Mary for one was really glad that the beginning of the fight was outside, and sent vines and plant life up from the ground, taking out a few of the agents rather quickly. The speedster took off running, slamming into several of them and taking out several of them in the process, easily disarming them as he went. However, someone in the group wasn't so lucky. Nina, when she came off the Quinjet, she charged into the fighting, managing to take out 2 people as she went, before someone got a lucky shot on her. The bullet slammed into her eye, and she collapsed to the ground, dead. Mary would have said something about the whole incident, but there wasn't exactly time for it. A bullet nearly hit her in the head, before it stopped in midair, just inches from her face. Anyone who stepped off the Quinjet would almost get hit as well, before the bullets stopped entirely from hitting them. Guess it pays to have the Master of Magnetism on your side for once! Wanda was deflecting bullets away from them as well. There are around 174 OMEN agents in the facility in total. 100 of them are coming outside. 15 of them are dead, leaving 85 coming out to deal with the group at the Quinjet. Currently there are 74 agents inside of the building still for the other group to deal with currently.