[CENTER][URL=http://imgur.com/gOgdx3b][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gOgdx3b.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] Station Eternity. Home to millions, the starport was a melting pot of different cultures and species. The year was 2478. Two hundred years ago technological advancement made it possible for humanity to reached out and begin to colonise the solar system. They advanced both further and faster than they had ever thought possible. Reaching out beyond the solar system and the galaxy that contained Earth, it was not long before humankind started to discover that there were, in fact, other species inhabiting the universe. Contact was made, treaties were signed, and soon humanity was a member of the newly formed Galactic Coalition alongside the other founder members of that organisation. The Daxalorn. Hailing from the home planet of Chenta, the Daxalorn are a race of venomous amphibians governed by a military dictatorship. Their home-world experiences extremes of temperature due to a highly elliptical orbit. They grow thick coats of fur in the winter months but shed them in the spring. The Qeefassians, from Agrals 3. A race of scientists with large resonating chambers on the front of their heads, through which they speak and blue skin. TThe Qeefassians are very philosophical as a species. The Piradians, hailing from Cardalia. A race of feathered humanoid aliens who have bony heads and three horns on the top of them. Their home-world is said to be a lush jungle paradise of sweltering heat. The Isragarn. From the planet Bespeon, this race of pessimistic hermaphrodites speak a complex gestural language. Their ability to construct biological machines and use living spaceships are rivalled by none. Their claws are strong enough to open a can of peaches, which are, coincidentally, their favourite fruit. Finally, the last of the council members, the Dochassons. Hailing from Agrabvinia 4, this race of proto-mammals use song to communicate. Their ships are enormous, with crews of several thousand individuals. These six species, although forming the basis of the coalition, were by no means the only species aboard the Eternity. Home to countless species and countless millions, it was the place where the Galactic Coalition convened to discuss matters relating to the universe and make decisions on said matters. It was the central hub of trade between the species of the universe and was generally seen to be a forward thinking cosmopolitan space and trade hub. Trade and crafts within Station Eternity was controlled by a collection of Guilds who oversaw the trade and commerce side of the station. Typically, any would-be entrepreneur had to purchase a license to be able to conduct their trade within the Station from the appropriate Guild. The original thinking behind it was that it would prevent any old riff-raff from setting up shop on the Station and that the craftsmen who did ply their trade would be competent at their profession. In practice, however, what it generated was a level of elitism on the station. To survive and prosper and make your trade, you had to have money, and you had to continue to make money in order to renew your license. This, in turn, led to a division on Station Eternity. A division between the haves and the have-nots. And if you fell on the wrong side of the divide, all you have to look forward to was poverty and an uncertain existence with a fight for survival. Those unfortunates were often gathered in the slums, situated in the bowels of the station. Here petty crime, beatings and murders were rife. The executives and the security force of the station did not have the time or manpower to spare for beings they deemed as inconsequential. Deeper still, Station Eternity had its seedy side. Stories of the brawls and murders in its innumerable bars were legendary, spreading all across the multiverse along with tales of the corruption that was said to lay at the stations heart. Rumours of organised gangs and triads based from within Station Eternity were rife, despite the Coalitions attempt to root out malcontents from within its depths. Some of the more vicious rumours in fact stated that the coalition members encouraged the more illicit activities occurring within the station, using the various gangs and factions as chess pieces on a board against the other species. Whatever the truth of the tales, Station Eternity was certainly as dangerous as it was liberating. And it was here, within Station Eternity that a tale of its own was beginning to unfold. A tale involving two friends who were soon to find themselves caught up in circumstances that would quickly spiral out of their control and ability to control......