[center][h3][color=bbeeff]Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous[/color][/h3][/center] Just when she thought she was starting to understand the strange customs of these lands, there was a new curve ball. The way Athos spoke, it wasn't unheard of or even uncommon. She was reminded of just how different this place was. Most everyone back home held life as sacred, even criminals. Maybe they'd never admit it, but the last recorded hit or execution was a few years ago, now. That's what it was. This land was not at peace the way hers was. She should have noticed it sooner. It was hasty to assume that this place was her ultimate destination, but she understood now why she thought so. All that aside, there was still a reason to remain here. That man said something very foreboding, and she meant to find out what he meant. Since no one else had anything to say about it, the best way to find that guy again would probably be to stick with these guys. "You say these stones need to be fed Mana to function?" It sounded like the crystals that grew in her homeland. "If I could infiltrate their location alone while going unidentified, I can plant one stone in a good place, warp out, and bring someone back with me. Then we can proceed however. May I try to activate one?" [@PaulHaynek][@Frozen0Titan][@AzureKnight][@Polaris North]