[hider=Talise Nerida] Name: Talise "Tali" Nerida Age: 28 Bloodline: Tyro/Lassa 50/50 split [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/77/f7/9c/77f79c4df338491a91de0dbd9fb4b415.jpg[/img] [/hider] Group: Independent but often helps out the Magoi Physique: Slim with some good curves. She is fit and well used to traveling and physical activity. Abilities: Fully amphibious (both fresh and salt water), lava swimmer (immune to burning and heat, can still take damage from fire attacks and magic), deep diving (immune to pressure changes and the cold, can still take damage from icy attacks and magic), strong exothermic aura (nondamaging, simply very warm within about 2 meters, enough to melt natural snow and ice as well as warm an area up considerably), cartilage skeleton (highly enhanced flexibility and speed of skeletal healing at the cost of being more prone to skeletal injury), deep eyes (can see in low and no light conditions, though her ability to discern color in no light conditions is hampered) Spells: Coronal Augment: Enhances exothermic aura to damaging proportions, inflicting constant burning to anyone within 2 meters. Deep Drowning: Summons an orb of water that both suffocates the target and inflicts them with high pressures equal to very deep diving. Gear Protection: Provides 24 hours of protection for gear equal to her innate resistances. Geyser: Summons a geyser blast from under the ground, causing the eruption to launch hit targets and burn them severely while bludgeoning them with the displaced ground. They then of course take damage from the fall. Volcanic Breath: Breathes out a cloud of volcanic ash, causing impaired vision and burning damage. The ash can also choke creatures in its area. Pet: A humanoid servitor that obeys her commands without complaint or hesitation. Requires no sustenance or rest. It cannot fight effectively and can at best do some minor pummeling. It carries a floating crystal to light areas for its mistress. Experience: Her birthplace and subsequent childhood led her to learn some basic capabilities in defending herself. In addition to weapon training, she developed her first two spell, Coronal Augment and Volcanic Breath. They were the easiest she could manage given her lack of formal experience and drew more upon her innate abilities than magical knowledge. Due to their simplicity, they are relatively low cost and quite effective for keeping herself safe in the wilds. Once she hit 18, she traveled to Tide. There, she began to pick up on some magical theory by talking to some of the mages, thus giving her a foundation to work upwards from. As she toiled away trying to develop more spells, a Magoi agent came into the city. He was looking for help in getting to the area near her birthplace. Apparently, some artifact was lost there. Seeing an opportunity, she offered her skills and knowledge of the area. The Magoi agent offered her coin, but she refused and instead asked for formal magic training. As odd as her request was, the agent had no other options, so he accepted her proposal. They ventured to her birthplace, where she rather easily led him to the landmarks he needed. The artifact turned out to be irreparably damaged, but its historical value still stood. The Magoi, needing time anyway to study the artifact and area, took to training her in the magical arts until he left. This left her with complete formal training equivalent to a journeyman, so she could develop independently from there. Spending the next 7 years practicing and acting as a scholarly mercenary, she developed her final three spells. Now, in the past year, she has gained knowledge of the area around her birthplace and of the surrounding cities and towns. Motivation: She is driven heavily to become a stronger mage as well as unlock more secrets. Despite helping the Magoi consistently and making her home in her birthplace, thus being within close proximity to the guild, she keeps independent so she can track certain artifacts or items of interest without losing them to guild politics. Outside of a thirst for more knowledge and power, she wishes to learn how to create more servitors like the one she found as her pet. Birthplace: Tearia, where a lava flow meets the ocean to the NE of Tide. Extra Info: Her blood contains a variant of chlorocruorin that is as efficient as hemoglobin. This causes her blood to be light green when deoxygenated and darker green when oxygenated. Her eyes are a salient ice blue and glow very dimly. She is a very good cook and can play most instruments. Her metabolism is very high and basically leaves her perpetually in her standard fit form. She has to eat nearly three times the amount as normal. [/hider]