Callie turned to run, back the way she came. Merrill started to shout to her. ”Callie, wait! Not like this! We need to know what we are up against!” But she was already moving away. ”Goddammit, impetuous girl,” Merrill cursed as he took a step forwards. His vision was flooded with images, images dizzying with their intensity.... As he stepped forwards, he lost his balance, falling to one knee even as Callie jumped out of the exit and began running towards her own village. He saw a colossal winged creature. It flew over Edhel. As the terrified villagers ran, it laughed as it opened it cavernous jaws..... From its breath it came out, a sheet of the purest cold. As it engulfed those poor victims that it caught within they froze, turning blue as their forms became nothing more than statues of pure ice. But ice wasn’t it’s only power. It opened the palm of its hand as it unleashed a ball of fire. The fire streaked through the village, striking.....exploding in a gout of flames as the people died, caught within this crescendo of fire and ice. Into this chaos she came.....Callie. She ran through the streets, trying to block out the horrific screams. Trying to ignore the creature as it turned its baleful eyes on her. “You. I recognise you little one,” it’s voice is both deep and terrible. Callie....she ran into a house. A house that was on fire. Seconds later, the terrible creature laughed again as it threw a ball of fire into the house. It explodes into a fiery inferno...... Shaken, as the dizzy spells hit him fast and hard Merrill fell, landing hard on the floor. On his leg, the stitches tore and blood started to pour from the reopened wound. Next to him, the globe of light bobbed up and down. Merrill looked to it in desperation. ”Go,” he hissed. ”Go to her. Light her path. I will follow......go NOW!” The globe of light suddenly shot through the air, heading out of the ruined vessel, travelling after Callie as fast as he could. Merrill leaned over, gasping as black spots exploded over his eyes. He reached out....grasping fingers scrabbling to grab the black object he had liberated from the skeleton. ”Gods help us,” he whispered to himself as he tried to drag himself down the narrow metallic corridor.....