The unicorn turned to look as the Will O' the Wisp and Merrill appeared from the brush. The majestic white coat being approached Merrill and lowered its head, bringing the horn to his leg. The horn once again shine a white light, bringing a healing energy to the man's leg. Callie on the other hand didn't notice. Her eyes were still transfixed on the scorched town below, and her hands were clasping her head, as though she were in pain. After Merrill spoke, Callie whirled to face him, while still hovering in mid-air surrounded by the myriad of colored magical energy. Merrill would see that Callie's eyes are completely shrouded in white light. She mournfully and angrily asked Merrill, "....You knew? You knew this would happen? ...WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!" As she practically screamed the last question, another spark appeared. This time it was a golden spark that appeared near her hands and seeped into those hands. After that nothing seems to have happened.