DELETED [b]I did not delete this out of “rage”. I literally read over this and thought; “This is garbage.” I’ll still listen to any final input or statements though.[/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Greetings and Welcome, and thank you for your time![/b] So this is a rather crude and unorthodox concept that I’ve recently cooked up. Unfortunately, it’s sadly incomplete, and I have made little progress with it. Below are notes on literally just how far I’ve gotten, which isn’t very far. [center][b]NOTES AND IDEAS[/b] [hider=+] •Our “villain”, [u][url=]Doctor Wilhelm Verner, or “Mekanikor”[/url][/u], has perfected a viral strain that reanimates the undead. This virus reanimates only the body and the most primal instincts within the mind, hence; Zombies. •Verner distributes the virus into the cities’ water supplies and infects all of Union City. Once you die, you reanimate within mere minutes. •As the city becomes ravaged by zombies, Verner releases an army of “Com-Bots” to secure the city. These robots mop up the police and national guard and effectively take all of Union City hostage. Verner then contacts Washington and threatens to infect other cities lest his demands are met. •As the big-wigs in Washington scramble for a solution, Verner/Mekanikor’s Combots are scouring the city, rounding up survivors as prisoners and wiping out dangerously large hordes of zombies. Mekanikor is also prepping further defense measures to maintain control on the city. (Drones, Battle Armor, etc.) •Players will role as survivors, fighting to survive the undead hordes and the patrolling combots, seeking to drag them off to Mekanikor’s makeshift concentration camps. [/hider] [/center] So as you can see, this concept does need work. Hefty work. [b]I am asking for input, feedback, ideas, comments, interest even.[/b] And would anyone be willing to CO-GM this with me?