Hi this has my attention. However i would like to know more about its PvP elements, is this a slow burner or not? Perhaps we shall only know afterwards. In any case i was somehow bamboozled one day into playing a fascist space nation. I created them as a bit of a critique on fascism but it seems to have been far too plausible and scared some people and was kicked from the game. The GM specifically called me a "statist" even though I'm not in fact, (I'm more of an individualist). Anyway the idea has kept smouldering in my mind and has had further refinements, its even got a tiny amount of praise so well theres that. In any case they are scary in the sense of how Starship troopers was scary to you as a kid the first time you saw it. But it was also cool because people think warriors are cool (and they are). If youre prepared for Starship Troopers style spooky then here we go. My faction truly are monsters. However they are more like Samurai than Nazis. The Nazis leader was an artist, and artists seek to be witnessed. And thats a little fruity.