So, I get where you're coming from with the intensity thing. Here's the meta: that spell split her body into layers and tossed them as tendrils of smoke with sensory perception still intact through miles of space in a split second. Her insides were slammed quite literally with super-fast walls of cold atmospheric air and blistering sunlight, exposed nerves and all. She'd be cured of these sensations immediately upon reformation, but I think an inside-out body tossed at super-fast speeds through the sky may feel a good bit of pain. I get where you're coming from, I'll try to make these things more clear in my posts rather than getting lost in descriptors. I definitely need to work on how convoluted my writing can become. Don't worry, I understand where to work on these things, for the most part, it's just old habits I'm slowly breaking at this point. I think I'll actually add those pursuer things in my next post, so you're fine. I can add a bit of a time-skip since some small amount of it will have passed between posts. I wrote that reminder more for myself than for you lol xD For real with the second page! I'm super happy and hope to pick things up a bit with future posts. I've been slow-burning things a little more than necessary I think.