Any chance that Nero might have replied to Lancer, or really paid attention to much of anything, was promptly blown out of the water when her ears caught wind of Atalanta's name--at which point, the Servant gave the impression of teleporting the intervening distance with how suddenly she ran over, doing her best to clasp one of Atalanta's hands, whilst looking up with a surprisingly bright expression. "Umu, I've always wanted to meet you! And fight you!" It was rather hard to follow what the blonde was then going on about, since she was so enthusiastically going on about [i]everything,[/i] though it seemed like she was getting sidetracked into thinking about the Argonauts and how she'd like to fight many of them. Or sleep with them. And Atalanta. It was probably quite disconcerting this bubbly blonde, for some reason, wanted to fight Heracles as well as the cat.