[hr][hr][center][h1][color=f7976a]Miranda Burke[/color][/h1][img] https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc3vw54ugt1rybn9i.gif[/img][hr][color=f7976a][b]Location[/b][/color]:Red Lake.[color=f7976a] [b] Interacting with:[/b] Olivia, Declan and Finley: [/color] [hr][hr] Miranda had since secured her car and made her way with Oli to catch up with Fin and Dec, she was putting a lot of trust into Oli with not letting Finley carry out her threat, although curiosity had start to peak attention as she like the other had seen the PI up to something, Miranda deciding to keep an eye on him but every now and then checking their surroundings. That’s when things got weird and made Miri jump. Halsey had appeared to them, and honestly it should freak her out but it didn’t as much as it probably should, they were in numbers for the moment and two she trusted very much and close to. But Halsey claimed she knew where their friend was being held and soon showed a…. portal? To where the others were, it was looking like quite the group but also very dangerous having such large number in one place, hell could they just walk through and get there? Was it a trap. Miri was not sure but she was hesitant, staring around at the others with her including the P.I. [color=f7976a]“If you able to get us to where she is being held, why can’t to get her to us?"[/color] [/center]