I'll show my age a little here, lol. I think the first game I ever played was on the old Nintendo, my parents taught me to play Super Mario Brothers. But I never did get into video games until they bought me a PlayStation for my birthday one year (because I was obsessed with books, and they didn't know what else to get me). I had no idea what to do with a game machine, haha... but I sat down with it, and the game they got me was called Ape Escape... and omg was it fun! I might love it all the more because I got my mom to play it, and all she could do was sit there and wack the monkey with the stun club because changing gadgets was to hard.. and lord help that monkey when it threw a rock at her or made her slip on a banana peel because she was out for blood with that stun club then! I don't think I've ever laughed harder in my life than while watching her swat that monkey for a good 30 mins. And yes, I still like the game quite a bit, actually. As for what game had the greatest impact on me, I can't decide between Kingdom Hearts and Tales of the Abyss... I'm equally obsessed with them both.