There was a moment where the students had to introduce themselves. Afterword, Gang Orca dispensed the niceties. The students were told of what they would expect while being in the school and how to uphold themselves. During which times, Alexa noticed certain students didn’t seem to be paying attention as they should have been. Xen and Voodoo seemed almost alouf as the information was given out. That struck her as odd, but she chalked it up to first day jitters. She also made sure not to look in Herito’s direction. It almost felt like if she made eye contact with him, he’d reveal her secrets. Alexa felt a new kind of nervousness run through her like electricity. This competition against her new classmates on their first day. How would she do? She really needed to do well. Not that anyone in her family would come down on her, but for herself she had to prove why she was there. When they changed in the locker room, Alexa kept to herself. She had to stay focused, but she couldn’t help but think about the two students that didn’t seem hero like. Voodoo and Xen seemed really scary if anything, but it really could have just been due to nerves. “You need to focus. How can you pull ahead when it comes to these events?” She told herself quietly. There didn’t seem to be any people in the class that had a speed quirk. The race was probably a safe bet. If only she had the right kind of shoes, she probably could speed run in her bubble like a Gerbil would, but it was too slick. It would help her possibly in the throwing competition and the in the debris event. Though again, she would have to use it her quirk and quickly drop the barrier once she evaded the obstructions. It was a lot to think about. She really wished she was a better tactician. The bell rang loud. Alexa was pulled from her thinking session and forced herself to get out of the locker room. Once her classmates and herself were outside, they were told the event order. First up was running. She felt alright about this. She ran everyday, well just about and swam to help with her breath control. She needed to be able to hold her breath as long as possible. This would be fine. All the students lined up, then the beacon sounded. Alexa pumped her legs, but she wanted to make sure she didn’t use all her stamina at the beginning. Her pace was steady was as they continued along the track. Her eyes were focused in front of her and not on anyone else. In her head, a Capybara waited at the finish line, waving a flag just for for her. As they made their way to the last stretch, she realized there was a girl ahead of her. She tried to pump harder, but she couldn’t seem to catch her. The disappointment sank in a little, but it was alright. Once she passed the line, she was told she got 2nd. That made her feel pretty good. Unfortunately she didn’t hear her time because she was focused on the others coming in. The muscular girl was right after her. “R-really?... Strong and fast?” Alexa thought to herself as she tried to get her breath together. The next event, The long jump, went as she thought it would. She tanked. No great distance, just an average marking. Of course the muscle girl did way better than a number of the class. She was surprised that the green kid did better than she did though. “I wonder how he pulled that off.” She would think to herself quietly. Next, throwing. This she felt a little better about. Alexa didn’t feel like she would be the best, but she felt like she wouldn’t be last. When it was her turn, she took hold of the ball firmly in her right hand. The confidence was rising as she readied herself. This was something she did before, but with a different principle. When her mind was ready, she put herself in what sort of looked like a running stance. Her left leg bent and her right leg extended, and toes pointed into the ground. It made her laugh inside, when she heard a couple of kids in the class questioning what she was doing. Yes, it was odd, but she knew exactly what she was doing. With a hard jerk, she threw the ball straight up. Quickly, she brought her hands together and sucked in a deep breath. Her barrier came up, lodging the ball within its wall. Once the ball was secured, Alexa pushed with her right foot and staying firm on her left. The barrier spun in a circle. Alexa kicked harder with her right and the barrier spun faster. She continued doing this, until she felt satisfied with the speed of the barrier. Once she was ready, she let go of her breath and brought her hands away from each other. The barrier fell and the ball zoomed through the air. “She used her barrier as giant slingshot……..Very impressive.” Gang Orca said in an all knowing fashion with his arms crossed a his chest. Her ball landed at 502.1 meters.