Kxeyun growls at what he sees outside and leaps up to the top of the ship, using his strength and nanobots to form a pathway up. Upon reaching the top, his wetsuit that shows off his girlish physical attributes retracts at his feet, then a metal observation dome missing the glass begins to slowly form and raise out of the top of the ship. [i]"First one to get to me I will fight for, if they're good. Anyone else gets sent back down."[/i] A little ways above the ship the dome stops rising and he peers out of it, his eye scanning everything it can and logging all the data, a gentle chuckle coming from his lips. The movement of that amount of metal would trigger sensors tuned to detect large objects. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]"Scan complete, caution advised, weaponry detected."[/i][/color] [i]"That's not good... Where am I?"[/i] [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]"Unknown. Logging scan data."[/i][/color] [i]"Fucking great... Some random ass planet, weapons detected, someone somewhere wants me dead."[/i] He then pulls out his coilgun pistol and turns it on, holding it tightly. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]"The beginning of the end, dark as clouds of scorn. Pouring out like prophets of doom they do forewa-"[/i][/color] [i]"Not the time... We're observing."[/i]