[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180117/42cb8aae909e82218c5d485516ecd481.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180117/ef1b4e6d7d87790d6cb02d074294893b.png[/img] [img]https://assets-auto.rbl.ms/5661e543e2ce0f7592035f2ff43edd287c0347cc7c63ed2e4b5fad953ec5c993[/img][/center] [center][i][@FantasyChic][@rivaan][@Morose][@BlueSky44][@Natsu][@Jasonhero] [/i][/center][hr][hr] [hr] [color=1A97DF][I]Saturday, August 18th, 2018 New York City, New York[/I][/color] [@rivaan] "Well i'll buy a book of yours whenever you get it published or something." She said giving a bit of a smile as she leaned back in the seat and looked out of the window and sighed for a little bit and ran a hand through her hair. Then she looked back over towards Claire when she asked where she was from. "Erie, Pennsylvania originally." The woman answered as the traffic started to clear up now and then Claire would be able to get to her precinct with ease. There was an underground garage where Claire would be able to park her car under where all of the other officer's cars were located as well. "I guess I should give you my number or something if something comes up?" She asked smiling slightly. [@FantasyChic] In the taxie Quinn got into the driver was an elderly looking man who was in his early sixties by the looks of it. "Hey there miss." He said as he started to put in the address that Quinn had requested and quickly started to pull away from the curve, the drive was going to be a bit then the man started to speak up. "So you visiting a family member or a friend?" He asked, he seemed to be a pretty friendly man for the most part as he drove stopping by a red light before they were driving along Central Park now. Quinn may recognize two people from the dreams as he drove by. [hr] [color=1A97DF][I]Saturday, August 18th, 2018 Seattle, Washington[/I][/color] [@BlueSky44] Pike's Place wasn't that far about a fifteen minute walk or so from where they lived right now as they left the house there was a man walking his dog down the sidewalk, he turned to look at the two kids and gave them a slight nod as he walked by down the street. There wasn't anyone else there right now and Trevor wasn't seen either and left to go somewhere else it seemed. [@Morose] Scott's apartment was fairly quiet, after Janelle had hung up on them there was a knock on the door and when he opened it was Trevor after he had just spoken to the siblings he was leaning his back against the door and looked up at Scott for a moment. "Does anyone by the name of Scott live here?" He asked looking up at the scary looking man for a moment, hoping to get someone to at least help he did look like a scrawny man Scott would easily just break apart of he wanted to. [hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/c5953ec1f0b1c08769c57ea592afb7ca/tumblr_o9dq904Wfj1von8z1o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: LA Interacting With: [@rivaan] Amelia Payne & [@Jasonhero] Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley gave Amelia a friendly smile and nod as she watched her friend get up and made her way over towards her car to put her bag in, a few seconds later Riley started to follow Amelia and Fumiko to the clothing store, and once they were inside Riley could hear the music on the loud speakers in the store. It was a rock song that she listened to quiet often as Riley followed Fumiko to one of the shelves seeing her friend picking something out already and smiled. [color=cyan]"It looks great fits your personality perfectly."[/color] Riley said giving her friend a smile before heading over to a random aisle. Riley started to look at a few leather jackets and some torn up jeans that looked like something she could wear she did always enjoy clothes like that as Riley started to grab them and tried them on as well looking at herself in the mirror as she looked at it. Riley started to quietly hum to herself as she turned to look at some tshirts as well. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Emmie Adams[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cdqgkEz.gif[/img] [I]Location: New York City, New York Interacting With: [@Natsu] Adalene Jones[/I][/center] [hr][hr] As Emmie leaned herself up against the wall looking across the street at Adalene when she was able to cross the street and shrugged a little bit. [color=lightblue]"Well we have powers somehow so I don't think it would be like some Dumbledore wannabe with magic powers giving it to everyone."[/color] Emmie said giving a slight shrug as she noticed a taxi driving by and then continued to the restaurant until they were there now as Emmie waited for Adalene to enter. Inside the restaurant was fairly busy as people were slowly being seated or leaving now as Emmie looked over her shoulder waiting for her friend to go over. She did have the money after all and Emmie didn't so she'd be the one to mooch money off of Adalene at least for the time being unless she wanted to pick pocket someone out of their money as well.