[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c8/e9/5a/c8e95afad05e083cc3d15d12923ea306.jpg[/img] [h3]Zayden Lively[/h3] 450|[url=https://t00.deviantart.net/fqvRFQimNFAgHkgw1VTJjGbweCk=/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/55bf/th/pre/f/2015/348/7/b/blue_dragon_v2_by_sandara-d9k5wdn.jpg]Water[/url] Drake - Vampire Hybrid|The Protector "I don't get why people say its hard to be a good person. Just stand up for the people that are afraid to stand for themselves." Additionally: -Even though the Lively name is mostly known because of his brother Devin, he is nothing like him at all. He is one of the most open member of his family. On both sides. Its that makes a good thing about him. He is so used his openness blowing up in his face that he knows how to dust himself off and survive. -Until his late teens, Zayden lived with his mother and was raised with the dragon code. When he was kicked out because of his homosexuality, it stayed with him. Rather than watching his father be abusive towards his step mother, he started taking up for her, getting the abuse to keep her from getting it. -Once his uncle Alaric found out how things were at home he ended up pulling him out of the house and letting him move around with him until he was old enough to live on his own. And its due to this that Zayden stayed the good hearted person he is.[/center]